The Concepts of Aṣṭa Mangala (bkra-sis-rtangs-brgyad) in the Tibetan Culture According to their Religious Text
The article researches how Tibetan religion has provided a special place for Asta Mangala, i.e., the eight auspicious emblems. The article studies the concept of Asta Mangala (Tib. bkra shis rtags brgyad, this is misspelled in the title of the article) in Tibetan culture according to religious texts. The depiction of Asta Mangala is attached great importance in the Hindu and Buddhist cultures. It has both a religious as well as a secular significance for Tibetan Buddhists. The eight auspicious signs are collectively called bkra shis rtags brgyad, which is briefly discussed in this article. The eight auspicious emblems can be depicted in monasteries (dgon pa) or worship rooms (lha khang) of individual houses. The article concludes that the importance of bkra shis rtags brgyad is greater to the Tibetans in their culture than to the Hindus. (Rajeev Ranjan Singh 2007-01-31)