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Of Horses and Motorbikes: Negotiating Modernities in Pastoral A mdo, Sichuan Province

Of Horses and Motorbikes: Negotiating Modernities in Pastoral A mdo, Sichuan Province
Journal of the International Association of Tibetan Studies
Format: Journal Article
Publication Date: 2011-01
Publisher: Tibetan and Himalayan Library
Sources ID: 128192
Visibility: Public (group default)
Abstract: (Show)

Creator's Description: This article is a preliminary study examining the shifting roles of horses and motorbikes and how these modes of transportation make visible changes in nomad spatiality. Since the 1980s change has accelerated in Tibetan pastoralist areas of Amdo (anduo, 安多) in the People's Republic of China (zhonghua renmin gongheguo, 中华人民共和国). Winter houses, fenced pastures, electricity supplies, modern means of transportation, education for all and so forth. are in the pastoralist context equated with modernization and development. Participation in such processes not only changes the pastoralists' way of life outwardly, but also has an effect on pastoralists' spatial contexts. The emergence of a new means of movement – the motorbike – has become the vehicle with which this newly emerging space is negotiated and engaged with.