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The Historical Anecdotes of Kheng Nobilities

The Historical Anecdotes of Kheng Nobilities
Journal of Bhutan Studies
Format: Journal Article
Publication Year: 2005
Publisher: The Centre for Bhutan Studies
Pages: 31-59
Sources ID: 126707
Visibility: Public (group default)
Abstract: (Show)

This article relies manly on oral sources in order to trace the history of the Kheng noble clans of Bhutan, including the Dung (gdung), Koche (kho che), Gadpo (rgad po), and Pƶnpo (dpon po). The political influence of these families had been on the decline since the emergence of a more centralized Bhutanese State under Religious Kings (chos rgyal) in the 17th century. With the political reforms of the 20th century, the noblitiy lost nearly all influence. The article investigates several accounts of the history of these clans, some going back as far as the 9th century. (Ben Deitle 2006-02-06)

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Journal of Bhutan Studies