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European Bulletin of Himalayan Research

European Bulletin of Himalayan Research
Format: Journal
Publication Year: n.d.
Publisher: Le Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, South Asia Institute, School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London)
Place of Publication: rotating publisher: CNRS (Paris), SAI (Heidelberg), and SOAS (London)
Sources ID: 125686
Visibility: Public (group default)
Abstract: (Show)

A journal edited by a team from the Sudasien-Institut of Heidelberg University, the CNRS in Paris, and the School of Oriental and African Studies of the University of London. Its aim is to provide a forum for scholars of the humanities, and the natural and applied sciences specializing in Himalayan studies, which covers the area from the Hindukush in the west to the Assam in the east. The Bulletin welcomes for consideration manuscripts dealing with any of the following topics: (a) topical reports and articles on current or recently completed research projects; (b) information about archives and museums with material collected in the Himalayan area; (c) reviews of books, including books published in Pakistan, India, Nepal and China,which may be inadequately known in Europe because of poor distribution; (d) current political and economic developments; and (e) news about recent or ongoing conferences and on funding opportunities.

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Online resource, Print media (print or manuscript, including PDFs)
Frequency of Publication: 
European Bulletin of Himalayan Research