Silver on Lapis: Tibetan Literary Culture and History
The papers in this volume were originally presented at the conference "Beginning a Third Century of Tibetan Studies," which was held at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana, April 17-19, 1984. The papers cover topics dealing with Tibetan history, medicine, literature, and thought. (Ben Deitle 2006-04-03)
<b>Pt. 1. History</b> : The Tibetans in the Ordos and North China: Considerations on the Role of the Tibetan Empire in World History / Christopher I. Beckwith ; The Dynasty of Bzang-la (Zangskar, West-Tibet) and Its Chronology: A Reconsideration / Eva K. Dargyay ; Some Notes on the Early 'Bri-gung-pa <i>Sgom-pa</i> / Elliot Sperling - - <b>pt. 2. Medicine</b> : The Development of the Human Embryo According to Tibetan Medicine: The Treatise Written for Alexander Csoma de Kőrös by Sangs-rgyas Phun-tshogs / Thubten Jigme Norbu ; Researches on Poison, Garuḍa-Birds, and Nāga-Serpents Based on the <i>Sgrub thabs kun btus</i> / Alex Waymen - - <b>pt. 3. Philology</b> : Text Structure and Rule Ordering in the First Tibetan Grammatical Treatise / Roy Andrew Miller ; Notes on Csoma de Kőrös's Translation of a Tibetan Passport / Turrell V. Wylie - - <b>pt. 4. Thought</b> : Une polémique sur l'authenticité des <i>Bka'-thaṅ</i> au 17c siècle / Anne-Marie Blondeau ; Dualism in Tibetan Cosmogonic Myths and the Question of Iranian Influence / Per Kværne ; Illusion Web: Locating the <i>Guhyagarbha Tantra</i> in Buddhist Intellectual History / Dan Martin.