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- Approaching awe, a moral, spiritual, and aesthetic emotion
- The Benefits of Simply Observing: Mindful Attention Modulates the Link between Motivation and Behavior
- Psychological well-being and ill-being: do they have distinct or mirrored biological correlates?
- EMOTION AND AFFECTIVE STYLE: Hemispheric Substrates
- Is self-generated thought a means of social problem solving?
- Prolegomenon to the structure of emotion: Gleanings from neuropsychology
- The similarity-in-topography principle: reconciling theories of conceptual deficits
- Culture and Facial Expression: Open-ended Methods Find More Expressions and a Gradient of Recognition
- The influence of concentrative meditation training on the development of attention networks during early adolescence
- The Biopsychology of Trauma and Memory.
- The Neural Basis of Empathy
- An imaging roadmap for biology education: from nanoparticles to whole organisms
- Evoked potential measures of interhemispheric transfer time in reading disabled and normal boys
- Beyond valence: Toward a model of emotion-specific influences on judgement and choice
- Cognitive processing is not equivalent to conscious processing
- The Instantiation Principle in Natural Categories
- What is Unique About Self-Conscious Emotions?
- The emotional life of your brain: how its unique patterns affect the way you think, feel, and live--and how you can change them
- The neuronal basis and ontogeny of empathy and mind reading: Review of literature and implications for future research
- Stability of emotion-modulated startle during short and long picture presentation.
- Cross-cultural differences in hemisphericity: EEG asymmetry discriminates between Japanese and Westerners
- Emotion is Not One Thing
- A Reciprocal Influence Model of Social Power: Emerging Principles and Lines of Inquiry
- Multivariate General Linear Models (MGLM) on Riemannian Manifolds with Applications to Statistical Analysis of Diffusion Weighted Images
- Selective Disruption of Sociocognitive Structural Brain Networks in Autism and Alexithymia
- Beyond acetylcholine: Next steps for sleep and memory research
- Reaction time measures of interhemispheric transfer time in reading disabled and normal children
- The fate of cognition in very old age: Six-year longitudinal findings in the Berlin Aging Study (BASE).
- Empathy is associated with dynamic change in prefrontal brain electrical activity during positive emotion in children
- Comparing spiritual transformations and experiences of profound beauty
- Affective Style and Affective Disorders: Perspectives from Affective Neuroscience
- The nature of awe: Elicitors, appraisals, and effects on self-concept
- Age-related differences in function and structure of rSMG and reduced functional connectivity with DLPFC explains heightened emotional egocentricity bias in childhood
- Low-anxious, high-anxious, and repressive coping styles: Psychometric patterns and behavioral and physiological responses to stress
- Power, Emotion, and Judgmental Accuracy in Social Conflict: Motivating the Cognitive Miser
- Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy improves polysomnographic and subjective sleep profiles in antidepressant users with sleep complaints
- Toward a biology of personality and emotion
- Frontal brain asymmetry in restrained eaters
- Attentional style and the self-regulation of mode-specific attention: An electroencephalograhic study
- Cerebral asymmetry and emotion: Conceptual and methodological conundrums
- Prefrontal Brain Asymmetry: A Biological Substrate of the Behavioral Approach and Inhibition Systems
- Self comes to mind: constructing the conscious brain
- Situated simulation in the human conceptual system
- Actual Versus Assumed Differences in Construal: "Naive realism" in Intergroup Perception and Conflict
- The role of the direct perforant path input to the CA1 subregion of the dorsal hippocampus in memory retention and retrieval
- Social Functions of Emotions at Four Levels of Analysis
- Role of mental imagery in a property verification task: fMRI evidence for perceptual representations of conceptual knowledge
- Mindfulness training alters emotional memory recall compared to active controls: support for an emotional information processing model of mindfulness
- Feelings and consumer decision making: Extending the appraisal-tendency framewor
- Using art for comparison and distraction: Effects on negative emotions and judgements of satisfaction
- Electroencephalogram asymmetry in response to the approach of a stranger and maternal separation in 10-month-old infants
- Stressed power motivation, sympathetic activation, immune function, and illness
- Rose-colored glasses gone too far? Mania symptoms predict biased emotion experience and perception in couples
- Brief Report The coherence of emotion systems: Comparing “on‐line” measures of appraisal and facial expressions, and self‐report
- Tai chi training reduces self-report of inattention in healthy young adults
- Language Comprehension: Archival Memory or Preparation for Situated Action?
- Mechanisms of change in Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression: Preliminary evidence from a randomized controlled trial.
- Anger expression and adaptation to childhood sexual abuse: The role of disclosure context
- Prefrontal brain electrical asymmetry predicts the evaluation of affective stimuli
- Robust Automated Amygdala Segmentation via Multi-Atlas Diffeomorphic Registration