Explore Contemplation by Tradition
Sources Related to Contemplation by Tradition
- Raising Snakes in Bengal: The Use of Tantric Imagery in Śākta Poetry Contests
- The first karmapa: the life and teachings of dusum khyenpa
- Heart drops of dharmakaya: dzogchen practice of the Bon tradition
- T'ai chi ch'uan and meditation
- Transmission Lineage of the Gcod Teachings According to the 2nd Dalai-Lama
- The experience of Buddhism: sources and interpretations
- Two Tantric Meditations: Visualizing the Deity
- Worship of the Ladies of the Dipper
- Vajrayoginī: her visualizations, rituals & forms: a study of the cult of Vajrayoginī in India
- Visualizations in Buddhist Meditation
- A Smoke Purification Song
- Meditation as Ethical Activity
- Taking the Kalachakra initiation
- Yoga: union with the ultimate. A new version of the ancient Yoga sutras of Patanjali
- Original Tao: inward training (Nei ye) and the foundations of Taoist mysticism
- The spiritual guide
- The alchemical body: Siddha traditions in medieval India
- An ocean of the ultimate meaning: teachings on Mahamudra: a commentary on Wangchuk Dorje's Ngedön Gyamtso
- The Meditative Way : Readings in the Theory and Practice of Buddhist Meditation
- The Taoist experience: an anthology
- Trainings in compassion: manuals on the meditation of Avalokiteshvara
- The rule of Saint Benedict
- Eye of the storm: Vairotsana's five original transmissions
- Rgya chen bka' mdzod
- The yoga system of the Josmanīs
- Literature on Consecration (Rab gnas)
- Exploring mysticism
- Mahāmudrā
- The Process of Generation of the Wishing Gem of the Ear-Whispered Teachings
- Bulletin of Tibetology
- A gradual entry into emptiness - Depicted in the early Buddhist discourses
- A commentary on guru yoga
- al-Tafakkur : min al-mushāhadah ilá al-shuhūd : dirāsah nafsīyah Islāmīyah /
- The meditative mind: the varieties of meditative experience
- Mahamudra: The Method of Self Actualization
- On the Path to Enlightenment : Heart Advice form the Great Tibetan Masters
- The perennial philosophy
- A Prayer to the Lama
- Old path, white clouds: walking in the footsteps of the Buddha
- Precepts for an Emperor
- The doors of perception and Heaven and hell
- The sevenfold yoga of the Yogavāsiṣṭha
- Boundless healing: meditation exercises to enlighten the mind and heal the body
- Purity of Heart and Contemplation: A Monastic Dialogue Between Christian and Asian Traditions
- The three levels of spiritual perception: an oral commentary on The three visions (nang sum) of Ngorchen Konchog Lhundrub
- Into the silent land: a guide to the Christian practice of contemplation
- The truth of the body: the liberating role of physical (and mental) boundaries in asubhabhāvanā
- Buddhist Meditation : Tranquility, Imagination & Insight
- Kalachakra and other six-session yoga texts
- Fearless at work : timeless teachings for awakening confidence, resilience, and creativity in the face of life's demands
- The transport of the Haṃsas : A Śakta Rāsalīlā as Rājayoga in eighteenth-century Benares
- Daily recitations of preliminaries
- Light of Wisdom, Vol. IV
- The bsTan rim ("Stages of the Doctrine") and Similar Graded Expositions of the Bodhisattva's Path
- Contemplation and action in Judaism and Islam
- Inquiry into the Good
- A prescription for yoga and power in the Mahābhārata
- An experiment in mindfulness
- A Manual of Ritual Fire Offerings
- Cards for the Dead