Explore Buddhist Contemplation
Sources Related to Buddhist Contemplation
- Kun bzang bla ma'i zhal lung [Rdzogs pa chen po klong chen snying tig gi sngon 'gro'i khrid yig kun bzang bla ma'i zhal lung]
- Mental Purification (Blo sbyong): A Native Tibetan Genre of Religious Literature
- The yoga of Tibet: the great exposition of secret mantra, 2 and 3
- Manual of a mystic
- Love and Sympathy in Theravada Buddhism
- The legend of the Great Stupa = mChod-rten-po-bya-rung-kha-sor-gyi-lo-rgyus-thos-pas-grol-ba. The life story of the lotus born Guru = O-rgyen-mam-thar-dpag-bsan-lyong-sing
- King Kuñji's Banquet
- Sitting and Practice: An interpretive description of the Buddhist-informed meditation practices of counselling psychologists and their clinical work
- The Direct Path to Enlightenment
- Tantric treasures: three collections of mystical verse from Buddhist India
- Zen training: methods and philosophy
- Beyond happiness deepening the dialogue between Buddhism, psychotherapy and the mind sciences
- The Ritual of Consecration
- Blue jean Buddha: voices of young Buddhists
- Mind training: the great collection
- Meditation and education: India, Tibet, and modern America
- Visuddhimagga : the path of purification
- Gotama Buddha; a biography (based on the canonical books of the Theravādin)
- The light of wisdom
- The treasury of knowledge: book eight, part four: esoteric instructions: a detailed presentation of the process of meditation in Vajrayāna
- Opening the door to Bön
- Nyung Nä: The Means of Accomplishment of the Eleven-Faced Great Compassionate One, Avalokiteśhvara
- The collected works of Chögyam Trungpa
- Sādhanasataka ; and, Sādhanasatapañcāsikā: two Buddhist sādhana collections in Sanskrit manuscript
- Minding mind: a course in basic meditation
- Meditation and the concept of insight in Kamalasila's "Bhavanakramas"
- Everlasting rain of nectar: purification practice in Tibetan Buddhism
- The wheel of time sand mandala: visual scripture of Tibetan Buddhism
- Japanese Tantra, the Tachikawa-ryū, and Ryōbu Shintō
- The blue annals
- Kalachakra : the cycle of time
- The path to enlightenment
- A Prayer for Deliverance from Rebirth
- The Wisdom of Manjursri : Teachings by Early Dzogchen Masters on the Tantra, Professing the Qualities of Manjusri
- Peacock in the poison grove: two Buddhist texts on training the mind ; the wheel weapon (mtshon chakhor lo and the poison-destroying peacock (rma bya dug joms) attributed to Dharmarakṣita
- Dōgen's manuals of Zen meditation
- Philosophy as metanoetics
- A literary transmission of the traditions of Thang-stong rGyal-po: a study of visionary Buddhism in Tibet
- The Sutta-Nipata: a new translation from the Pali Canon
- An Avalokitesvara Sadhana
- In the Buddha's words : an anthology of discourses from the Pali canon
- Making sense of Tantric Buddhism: history, semiology, and transgression in the Indian traditions
- Mindfulness and the Therapeutic Relationship
- The life and liberation of Padmasambhava
- The questions and answers of Vajrasattva
- Wrathful Deities
- Awakening through love: unveiling your deepest goodness
- The Inner Kālacakratantra: a Buddhist tantric view of the individual
- Consecration of images and stūpas in Indo-Tibetan Tantric Buddhism
- The nectar of Manjushri's speech: a detailed commentary on Shantideva's Way of the Bodhisattva
- Himalayan dialogue: Tibetan lamas and Gurung shamans in Nepal
- Incarnation: the history and mysticism of the tulku tradition of Tibet
- The life of the Buddha: according to the Pali Canon
- The Regulations of a Monastery
- The practice of Mahamudra: the teachings of His Holiness Chetsang Rinpoche
- Zen-brain reflections: reviewing recent developments in meditation and states of consciousness
- Phyag chen sngon 'gro'i khrid yig nges sgron me
- Sādhana (sGrub thabs): Means of Achievement for Deity Yoga
- The essentials of buddhist meditation: a classic Samatha-Vipasyana medication manual = [Xiu xi zhi guan zuo chan yao fa]: the essentials for practicing calming-and-insight and Dhyana meditation
- Food, Clothes, Dreams, and Karmic Propensities