Explore Literature of Buddhist Contemplation
Sources Related to Literature of Buddhist Contemplation
- To Lhasa and beyond : diary of the expedition to Tibet in the year MCMXLVIII
- Religions of Tibet in practice
- Mindfulness in early Buddhism: new approaches through psychology and textual analysis of Pali, Chinese, and Sanskrit sources
- gDams ngag: Tibetan Technologies of the Self
- Two Tantric Meditations: Visualizing the Deity
- The essence of Mahayana lojong practice : an oral commentary to Geshe Langri Tangpa's Mind training in eight verses
- The Horseback Consecration Ritual
- The Yogin Lorepa's Retreat at Lake Namtso
- The joy of living : unlocking the secret and science of happiness
- The hundred tertons: a garland of beryl brief accounts of profound terma andthe siddhas who have revealed it
- Tibetan Literature: Studies in Genre
- Spells of the Life-Wood: An Introduction to the Tibetan Buddhist Ceremony of Consecration
- Tantra in Practice
- Ecstatic spontaneity: Saraha's three cycles of dohā
- The Jātakas: birth stories of the Bodhisatta
- Guide to Dakini land: the highest yoga tantra practice of Buddha Vajrayogini
- Buddhist Thought : A Complete Introduction to the Indian Tradition
- A bolt of lightning from the blue: the vast commentary on Vajrakila that clearly defines the essential points
- Sādhanamālā
- The Tibetan Practice of the Mantra Path According to Lce-sgom-pa
- A Quest for "The Path and Result"
- Discourse on the Establishment of Mindfulness
- Mental Purification (Blo sbyong): A Native Tibetan Genre of Religious Literature
- Manual of a mystic
- King Kuñji's Banquet
- The Direct Path to Enlightenment
- Tantric treasures: three collections of mystical verse from Buddhist India
- The Ritual of Consecration
- Mind training: the great collection
- Visuddhimagga : the path of purification
- Sādhanasataka ; and, Sādhanasatapañcāsikā: two Buddhist sādhana collections in Sanskrit manuscript
- The path to enlightenment
- The Wisdom of Manjursri : Teachings by Early Dzogchen Masters on the Tantra, Professing the Qualities of Manjusri
- Peacock in the poison grove: two Buddhist texts on training the mind ; the wheel weapon (mtshon chakhor lo and the poison-destroying peacock (rma bya dug joms) attributed to Dharmarakṣita
- The Sutta-Nipata: a new translation from the Pali Canon
- An Avalokitesvara Sadhana
- In the Buddha's words : an anthology of discourses from the Pali canon
- The life and liberation of Padmasambhava
- Consecration of images and stūpas in Indo-Tibetan Tantric Buddhism
- The nectar of Manjushri's speech: a detailed commentary on Shantideva's Way of the Bodhisattva
- Sādhana (sGrub thabs): Means of Achievement for Deity Yoga
- A Fasting Ritual
- Sayings of the Buddha: a selection of suttas from the Pali Nikāyas
- Indian Buddhist Meditation
- Liberation in our hands: a series of oral discourses
- Tibetan tradition of mental development: oral teachings
- Essential Tibetan Buddhism
- Bhavanakrama of Kamalasila
- The Great Path of Awakening : The Classic Guide to Lojong, A Tibetan Buddhist Practice for Cultivating the Heart of Compassion
- Buddhist scriptures
- The Sutta-Nipata
- Mindfulness of Death
- Longchenpa and the Possession of the Ḍākinīs
- The Journey to the Golden Mountain
- Secrets of the Lotus : An introduction to Buddhist meditation - contemporary and classical interpretations of the Zen and Theravada traditions
- The Kalachakra Generation-Stage Sadhana
- Wisdom Energy : Basic Buddhist Teachings
- Meditation
- Why Meditate? : Working with Thoughts and Emotions
- The hundred thousand songs of Milarepa: the life-story and teaching of the greatest poet-saint ever to appear in the history of Buddhism