mda' mo/
- ID:
- T98511
(Tibetan, Tibetan script, Original)
- > mda' mo/ (Tibetan, Latin script, Transliteration-THL Extended Wylie Transliteration)
- > damo (Tibetan, Latin script, Transcription-THL Simplified Tibetan Transcription)
A type of divination performed by using arrows.
Further Details- Language:
- English
- Author:
- Chris Hatchell
Other Dictionaries
1. bod rgya tshig mdzod chen mo
[1377] ... 1༽ མདའ་གཞུའི་མདའ། ... 2༽ མདའ་ལ་བརྟེན་ནས་བཟང་ངན་བརྟག་པའི་མོ་ཕྱྭ། ...
Further Details- Language:
- English
2. Thupten Phuntsok Dictionary
3. dag yig gsar bsgrigs
4. smon lam tshig mdzod chen mo
5. Negi Tibetan-Sanskrit Dictionary
6. Dan Martin Dictionary
arrow divination. This is discussed, along with similar practices, in Yules-Cordier, Marco Polo I 243.
Further Details- Language:
- English
7. Ives Waldo Dictionary
8. Jim Valby Dictionary
- Language:
- Phoneme:
- Grammars: