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Metacognition and cognitive monitoring: A new area of cognitive–developmental inquiry

Metacognition and cognitive monitoring: A new area of cognitive–developmental inquiry
American Psychologist
Short Title: Metacognition and cognitive monitoring
Format: Journal Article
Publication Year: 1979
Pages: 906-911
Library/Archive: (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved
Sources ID: 22351
Visibility: Private
Abstract: (Show)

Studies suggest that young children are quite limited in their knowledge about cognitive phenomena—or in their metacognition—and do relatively little monitoring of their own memory, comprehension, and other cognitive enterprises. Metacognitive knowledge is one's stored knowledge or beliefs about oneself and others as cognitive agents, about tasks, about actions or strategies, and about how all these interact to affect the outcomes of any sort of intellectual enterprise. Metacognitive experiences are conscious cognitive or affective experiences that occur during the enterprise and concern any aspect of it—often, how well it is going. Research is needed to describe and explain spontaneous developmental acquisitions in this area and find effective ways of teaching metacognitive knowledge and cognitive monitoring skills. (9 ref)

Psychology and Contemplation
Cognition and Contemplation
Science and Contemplation
Contemplation by Applied Subject