Explore Journals Focused on Regions
Sources Related to Journals Focused on Regions
- <i>Tibetan Lives: Three Himalayan Autobiographies</i>, edited by Peter Richardus with an Historical Forward by Alex McKay; <i>The Healing Power of Mind: Simple Meditation Exercises for Health, Well-Being, and Enlightenment</i> by Tulku Thondup [reviews]
- Review of James F. Fisher, <i>Trans-Himalayan Traders: Economy, Society and Culture in Northwest Nepal</i>
- Review of E. Steinkellner and H. Tauscher (eds.), <i>Contributions on Tibetan Language, History and Culture. Proceedings of the Csoma de Körös Symposium Held at Velm-Vienna, 13-19 Semptember 1981</i>
- Review of Corneille Jest, <i>Tarap: Une Valee dans l'Himalaya</i>
- Review of Tsang Nyön Heruka, <i>The Life of Marpa the Translator</i>
- <i>Tibetan Histories: A Bibliography of Tibetan-Language Historical Works</i> by Dan Martin, in collaboration with Yael Bentor [review]
- Review of András Höfer, <i>The Caste Hierarchy and the State of Nepal: A Study of the Muluki Ain of 1854</i>
- <i>A Poisoned Arrow: The Secret Report of the 10th Panchen Lama</i>, Tibet Information Network (TIN) [review]
- <i>The Buddhist Pilgrimage</i> by Duncan Forbes [review]
- <i>Kailash, Map of the Holiest Mountain in the World</i> by Katia Buffetrille and Robert Kostka [review]
- Review of Phillipe Sagant, <i>Le Paysan Limbu: Sa Maison et ses Champs</i>
- <i>The Lhasa Moon Tibetan Cookbook</i> by Tsering Wangmo [review]
- <i>Religion and Biography in China and Tibet</i>, edited by Benjamin Penny [review]
- Review of Harinandan Thākur, <i>Nepāl: Des aur Samskṛiti</i>
- <i>Tales of the Turquoise: A Pilgrimage in Dolpo</i> by Corneille Jest [review]
- Review of M. Loewe & C. Blacker, eds., <i>Oracles and Divination</i>
- <i>The Gelug/Kagyü Tradition of Mahamudra</i> by H. H. the Dalai Lama and Alexander Berzin [review]
- Review of Heinrich Seeman, <i>Nepal 2029, Gestern Noch Verbotenes Land</i>
- <i>Compassion: The Key to Great Awakening: Thought Training and the Boddhisattva Practices</i> by Geshe Tsultim Gyeltsen [review]
- Review of Wolfgang Korn, <i>Traditional Architecture of the Kathmandu Valley</i>
- <i>The Five Wisdom Energies</i> by Irini Rockwell [review]
- <i>Culture and the Politics of Third World Nationalsim</i> by Dawa Norbu [review]
- Review of Khenpo Lha Tshering, <i>A Saga of Sikkim's supremely revered four pioneer Nyingmapa reincarnates and their torchbearers</i> (<i>mKha' spyod 'Bras mo ljongs kyi gtsug nor sprul pa'i rnal 'byor mched bzhi brgyud 'dzin dang bcas pa'i byung ba brjod
- <i>Self-Liberation Through Seeing with Naked Awareness</i>, translation and commentary John Myrdhin Reynolds [review]
- Review of Prayag Raj Sharma, ed., <i>Social Science in Nepal</i>
- Review of L. R. N. Sivastava, <i>Among the Wanchos in Arunachal Pradesh</i>
- Review of G. N. Roerich and Lobsang Lhalungpa, <i>Textbook of Colloquial Tibetan</i>
- Review of H. K. Kuløy and Y. Imaeda, <i>Bibliography of Tibetan Studies</i>
- <i>Chinnamastā: The Aweful Buddhist and Hindu Tantric Goddess</i> by Elisabeth Anne Benard [review]
- Review of <i>Hokke-Bunka Kenyu</i>, or <i>Journal of the Institute for the Comprehensive Study of Lotus Sutra, No. 1</i>
- <i>The Excellent Path to Enlightenment: Oral Teachings on the Root Text of Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo</i> by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche; <i>Enlightened Courage: An Explanation of Atisha's Seven Point Mind Training</i> by Dilgo Khyentse [reviews]
- <i>Becoming the Compassion Buddha</i> by Lama Thubten Yeshe, edited by Robina Courtin [review]
- Review of Perceval Landon, <i>Lhasa</i>
- <i>Enthronement: The Recognition of the Reincarnate Masters of Tibet and the Himalayas</i> by Jamgon Kongtrul Lodrö Tayé, translated and introduced by Ngawang Zangpo [review]
- <i>The Tibetan Yoga of Dreams and Sleep</i> by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoché [review]
- Review of Giuseppe Tucci,<i>Opera Minora</i>
- <i>A Guide to the Bodhisattva Way of Life</i> by Śhantideva, translated from the Sanskrit and Tibetan by Vesna A. Wallace and B. Alan Wallace [review]
- <i>The Dating of the Historical Buddha / Die Datierung des historischen Buddha</i>, Part 3, edited by Heinz Bechert [review]
- Review of <i>Resarum</i>
- Review of Mary Shephard Slusser, <i>Nepal Mandala: A Cultural Study of the Kathmandu Valley</i>
- Review of K. Jetmar, <i>The Religions of the Hindukush. Vol. I. The Religion of the Kafirs</i>
- Review of Dawa Norbu, ed., <i>An Introduction to Tibetan Medicine</i>
- Book Review: Lama T. D. Bhutia, <i>Beyond Eternity Through Mysticism</i>
- Review of L. Kwanten, <i>The Timely Pearl, A 12th-Century Tangut Chinese Glossary, Volume 1., The Chinese Glosses</i>
- Review of Ariane Macdonald and Yoshiro Imaeda, ed., <i>Essais sur l'Art du Tibet</i>
- <i>Healing Anger: The Power of Patience from a Buddhist Perspective</i> by H. H. the Dalai Lama, translated by Geshe Thupten Jinpa; <i>Vast as the Heavens, Deep as the Sea: Verses in Praise of Bodhicitta</i> by Khunu Rinpoche, translated by Thubten Thardo
- Review of Alexander Studholme, <i>The Origins of Oṁ Maṇipadme Hūṁ</i>
- Review of N. J. Allen, <i>Sketch of Thulung Grammar</i>
- <i>The Doctrine of Karma</i> by Yuvraj Krishan; <i>History of the Sera Monastery of Tibet (1418-1959) (mKhas mang rgya mtsho'i bsti gnas dbus 'gyur gdan sa chen po gsum gyi ya rgyal se ra theg chen gling gi chos 'byung rab gsal nor bu'i me long)</i>, etc.
- Review of Jacques van Goidsenhoven, <i>Art Lamaique, Art des Dieux</i>
- Review of Chögyam Trungpa, <i>Visual Dharma: The Buddhist Art of Tibet</i>
- Review of D. Schuh, <i>Grundlagen tibetischer Siegelkunde, eine Untersuchung über tibetische Siegelsaufschriften in 'Phags-pa Schrift</i>
- Review of Kelsang Gyatso, <i>Meaningful to Behold</i>
- <i>The Way of the Bodhisattva: A Translation of the Bodhicharyāvatāra</i> by Shāntideva, trans. the Padmakara Translation Group [review]
- Review of Prakash A. Raj, <i>A Nepalese Discovers His Country</i>
- <i>The Buddha Image: Its Origins and Development</i> by Y. Krishan [review]
- Review of Ronald M. Davidson, <i>Indian Esoteric Buddhism: A Social History of the Tantric Movement</i>
- Review of D. P. and J. A. Jackson, <i>Tibetan Thangka Painting: Methods and Materials</i>
- <i>The Golden Yoke: The Legal Cosmology of Buddhist Tibet</i> by Rebecca Redwood French [review]
- Review of Perala Ratnam, ed., <i>Studies in Indo-Asian Art and Culture, Volume 1</i>