Explore Journals Focused on Regions
Sources Related to Journals Focused on Regions
- <i>Religion and Secular Culture in Tibet: Proceedings of the Ninth Seminar of the International Association for Tibetan Studies, Leiden 2000</i>, edited by Henk Blezer [review]
- Book Review: Nirmal C. Sinha, <i>Sangs-rgyas stong: An Introduction to Mahayana Iconography</i>
- <i>Education in Tibet: Policy and Practice since 1950</i> by Catriona Bass [review]
- Review of Harirāma Jośī, <i>Uttarpracin Kalin Mudra</i>
- <i>Śūnyatāsaptativṛtti: Candrakīrtis Kommentar zu den 'Siebzig Versen über die Leerheit' des Nāgārjuna (Kārikas 1-14)</i>, introduced, translated and edited by Felix Erb [review]
- Review of Karma-pa VIII Mi-bskyod-rdo-rje, et al., ed., <i>The Rain of Wisdom</i>
- Review of Rinjing Dorje, <i>Tales of Uncle Tompa: The Legendary Rascal of Tibet</i>
- Review of K. Winkler, <i>A Thousand Journeys: The Biography of Lama Anagarika Govinda</i>
- Review of Charles S. Prebish, ed., <i>Buddhism in Modern Perspective</i>
- Review of Kiela Diehl, <i>Echoes from Dharamsala: Music in the Life of a Tibetan Refugee Community</i>
- <i>Tibetan Medicine: 'East Meets West -- West Meets East'</i>, Jürgen C. Aschoff and Ina Rösing (eds.) [review]
- Review of Bri-gung Chos-rje 'Jig-rten-mgon-po, <i>Prayer Flags</i>; and Kun-dga'-rin-chen, <i>The Garland of Mahamudra Practices</i>
- <i>Kalachakra and Other Six-Session Yoga Texts</i> by Alexander Berzin [review]
- Review of Christoph von Fürer-Haimendorf, <i>Himalayan Traders: Life in Highland Nepal</i>
- Review of Gérard Toffin, <i>Les tambours de Kathmandu</i>
- Review of W. Hellrigl and K. Gabrisch, <i>Tibet: A Philatelic Numismatic Bibilography</i>
- Review of Philip Denwood, <i>The Tibetan Carpet</i>
- Review of Shantaram Bhalchandra Deo, <i>Glimpses of Nepal Woodwork</i>
- Review of Dieter Schuh, <i>Urkunden und Sendshreiben aus Zentraltibet, Ladakh und Zanskar</i>; and Dieter Schuh and L. S. Dagyab, <i>Urkunden, Erlasse und Sendschreiben aus dem Besitz sikkimesischer Adelshäuser und des Klosters Phodang</i>
- Review of Robert Rieffel, <i>Avec Zimba Le Sherpa</i>
- <i>Social Evils: Prostitution and Pornography in Lhasa</i> and <i>A Sea of Bitterness: Patriotic Education in Qinghai Monasteries</i>, TIN Briefing Papers No. 31 and 32, Tibet Information Network [review]
- <i>Prisoners of Shangri-la: Tibetan Buddhism and the West</i> by Donald S. Lopez, Jr. [review]
- Review of Kurtis R. Schaeffer, <i>Himalayan Hermitess: The Life of a Tibetan Buddhist Nun</i>
- <i>Buddhist Symbols in Tibetan Culture</i> by Dagyab Rinpoche [review]
- <i>Buddhist Art and Architecture</i> by Robert E. Fisher [review]
- <i>Sisters in Solitude: Two Traditions of Buddhist Monastic Ethics for Women</i> by Karma Lekshe Tsomo [review]
- Review of Kamal Prakash Malla, <i>Classical Newari Literature: A Sketch</i>
- <i>A Descriptive Grammar of Kinnauri</i> by D. D. Sharma [review]
- <i>Choosing Reality: A Buddhist View of Physics and the Mind</i> by B. Alan Wallace; <i>'Jig-med-gling-pa's 'Discourse on India' of 1789: A Critical Edition and Annoted Translation of the lHo-phyogs rgya-gar-gyi gtam brtag-pa brgyad-kyi me-long</i> by Mic
- Review of Toni Huber, <i>The Cult of Pure Crystal Mountain: Popular Pilgrimage and Visionary Landscape in Southeast Tibet</i>
- Review of Pratapaditya Pal, <i>Vaiṣnava Iconology of Nepal</i>
- Review of Graham Sandberg, <i>The Exploration of Tibet</i>
- Review of Indra Singh Rawat, <i>Indian Explorers of the Nineteenth Century</i>
- Review of Martin Brauen, <i>Feste in Ladakh</i>, and Eva Dargay and Ulrich Gruber, <i>Ladakh – Innenansicht eines Landes</i>
- Review of Jesper Trier, <i>Ancient Paper of Nepal</i>
- Review of D. Waller, <i>The Pundits: British Exploration of Tibet and Central Asia</i>
- <i>The Currency of Tibet, A Sourcebook for the Study of Tibetan Coins, Paper Money and Other Forms of Currency</i> by Wolfgang Bertsch [review]
- Review of Rex L. Jones and Shirley Kurz Jones, <i>The Himalayan Woman: A Study of Limbu Women in Marriage and Divorce</i>
- <i>Engaged Buddhist Reader</i>, Arnold Kotler (ed.) [review]
- <i>Antiquities of Upper Tibet, Pre-Buddhist Archeological Sites on the High Plateau, Findings of the Upper Tibet Circumnavigation Expedition</i> by John Vincent Bellezza [review]
- <i>sDe-dpon sum-cu: Ritual und Ikonographie der 'Dreißig Schutzgottheitten der Welt'</i> by Rudolf Kaschewsky and Pema Tsering [review]
- Review of Martin Brauen and Per Kværne, ed. <i>Tibetan Studies at the Seminar of Young Tibetologists, Zurich, June 26-July 1, 1977</i>
- <i>Sleeping, Dreaming, and Dying: An Exploration of Consciousness with the Dalai Lama</i>, edited by Franscisco J. Varela [review]
- Book Reviews of L. Austine Waddell, <i>Lhasa and its Mysteries</i>; Marco Pallis, <i>Peaks and Lamas</i>; and, Rechung Rinpoche Jampal Kunzang, <i>Tibetan Medicine illustrated in original texts</i>
- Review of Li Jicheng, <i>The Realm of Tibetan Buddhism</i>
- Review of H. Henberger and A. Höfer, <i>Deutsche Forschung in Nepal</i>
- <i>The Tibetan Art of Parenting: From before Conception through Early Childhood</i> by Anne Hubbell Maiden and Edie Farwell [review]
- <i>Yogic Deeds of Bodhisattvas: Gyel-tsap on Āryadeva's Four Hundred</i>, commentary by Geshe Sonam Rinchen, translated and edited by Ruth Sonam [review]
- Review of Capt. John F. Mitchell (compiler), <i>The North-East Frontier of India (A Topographical Political and Military Report)</i>
- Review of Michael Aris, ed., <i>Autobiographies of Three Spiritual Masters of Kutang</i>
- Review of J. Hopkins, <i>The Yoga of Tibet. The Great Exposition of Secret Mantra – 2 and 3, by Tsong-ka-pa</i>
- <i>Dictionary of Tibetan Materia Medica</i> composed by Dr. Passang Yonten Arya and translated and edited by Dr. Yonten Gyatso [review]
- Review of Colonel Kirkpatrick, <i>An Account of the Kingdom of Nepaul</i>, and Francis Buchanan Hamilton, <i>An Account of the Kingdom of Nepal</i>
- Review of Kamal P. Malla, <i>The Newari Language: A Working Outline</i>
- Review of J. Chalon, <i>Le lumineux destin d'Alexandra David Néel</i>
- Review of John K. Locke, <i>Rato Matsyendranath of Patan and Bungamati</i>