Explore Science and Religion Subjects: Tibet and Himalayas Bibliographic Classification Buddhism and Science Related Humanities Science and Religion Science and Religion Overview Subjects 1 Audio-Video 2 Sources 12 Sources Related to Science and Religion Recent Additions (Displaying 1 - 12 of 12) - Any -Book Sort by Post date AscPost date Desc > Change on psychological scales following Buddhist and Roman Catholic retreats What sort of a thing is a religion? a view from object-relations theory Religious aspects of human genetic information The ethical, legal and religious aspects of preembryo research Integrating science and religion : an interview with Alan Wallace (html) The center for the study of science and religion (CSSR) Integrating science and religion : an interview with Alan Wallace (pdf) meaningoflife.tv Integral Institute The Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences (CTNS) Integral naked The taboo of subjectivity : toward a new science of consciousness
Overview Subjects 1 Audio-Video 2 Sources 12 Sources Related to Science and Religion Recent Additions (Displaying 1 - 12 of 12) - Any -Book Sort by Post date AscPost date Desc > Change on psychological scales following Buddhist and Roman Catholic retreats What sort of a thing is a religion? a view from object-relations theory Religious aspects of human genetic information The ethical, legal and religious aspects of preembryo research Integrating science and religion : an interview with Alan Wallace (html) The center for the study of science and religion (CSSR) Integrating science and religion : an interview with Alan Wallace (pdf) meaningoflife.tv Integral Institute The Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences (CTNS) Integral naked The taboo of subjectivity : toward a new science of consciousness
Sources Related to Science and Religion Recent Additions (Displaying 1 - 12 of 12) - Any -Book Sort by Post date AscPost date Desc > Change on psychological scales following Buddhist and Roman Catholic retreats What sort of a thing is a religion? a view from object-relations theory Religious aspects of human genetic information The ethical, legal and religious aspects of preembryo research Integrating science and religion : an interview with Alan Wallace (html) The center for the study of science and religion (CSSR) Integrating science and religion : an interview with Alan Wallace (pdf) meaningoflife.tv Integral Institute The Center for Theology and the Natural Sciences (CTNS) Integral naked The taboo of subjectivity : toward a new science of consciousness