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Five manifestations of the Buddha in the West : a brief history

Five manifestations of the Buddha in the West : a brief history
Psychology and Buddhism : From individual to global community
Format: Book Chapter
Publication Year: 2003
Publisher: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers
Place of Publication: New York, NY
Pages: 45-69
Sources ID: 125816
Visibility: Public (group default)
Abstract: (Show)

This chapter of Psychology and Buddhism: From Individual to Global Community seeks to order and examine psychotherapeutic literature that has been influenced by the Buddhist tradition. The author presents five groups of literature on Buddhism and psychotherapy: (1) Freudian psychodynamics; (2) Jungian mysticism; (3) Neo-Freudian eclecticism; (4) Behavioral pragmatism; and (5) New Age consciousness. While these groupings are roughly chronological in their organization, they do not represent increasingly nuanced synthesis or theoretical progression. The author's goal is to assess the manner in which psychologists have learned from and employed Buddhist ideas, as well as how psychologists have contributed to the Western understanding (and misunderstanding) of Buddhist teachings on the whole. (Zach Rowinski 2005-01-10)

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