Explore Psychology
Sources Related to Psychology
- A-void--an exploration of defences against sensing nothingness
- Positive and 'negative' aspects of the 'altered states of consciousness' induced by autogenic training, Zen and yoga
- Change on psychological scales following Buddhist and Roman Catholic retreats
- Meditation, esoteric traditions--contributions to psychotherapy
- What sort of a thing is a religion? a view from object-relations theory
- A new view of meditation
- Positive psychology : east and west
- Buddhist conceptualization and treatment of anger
- A Buddhist contribution to the psychoanalytic psychology of self
- Buddhism and behaviour modification
- The Tao, psychoanalysis and existential thought
- Hindu and Buddhist children, adolescents, and families
- Buddhist meditation and countertransference : a case study
- Advances in the conceptualization and measurement of religion and spirituality : implications for physical and mental health research
- Foundations of clinical logagogy
- Freud's deshi : the coming of psychoanalysis to Japan
- Albert Ellis and the Buddha : rational soul mates? a comparison of rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT) and Zen Buddhism
- Psychotherapist and expansion of awareness
- The relevance of Zen-Buddhism for Dialectic-Behavioral Therapy
- Zen meditation and ABC relaxation theory : an exploration of relaxation states, beliefs, dispositions, and motivations
- A glimpse of Zen practice within the realm of countertransference
- Buddhism, death, and the feminine
- Meditation and consciousness : an Asian approach to mental health
- End piece : reflections on the treatment of anger
- Subjective well-being : three decades of progress
- How do I know thee? Let me count the ways : meditation and basic cognitive processes
- Current therapies and the ancient East
- Training psychotherapists in attributes of "mind" from Zen and psychoanalytic perspectives, part II : attention, here and now, nonattachment, and compassion
- Between wonder and doubt : psychoanalysis in the goal-free zone
- Two Asian psychologies and their implications for Western psychotherapists
- Training psychotherapists in attributes of "mind" from Zen and psychoanalytic perspectives, part II : attention, here and now, nonattachment, and compassion
- Psychotherapy in India : past, present, and future
- Training psychotherapists in attributes of "mind" from Zen and psychoanalytic perspectives, part I : core principles, emptiness, impermanence, and paradox
- Albert Ellis and the Buddha : rational soul mates? a comparison of Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy (REBT) and Zen Buddhism
- Zazen and psychotherapeutic presence
- Buddhism and Cognitive Science: Contributions to an Enlarged Discourse
- Toward an evolution of mind : implications for the faithful
- William James and Buddhism : American pragmatism and the orient
- In search of inner wisdom : guided mindfulness meditation in the context of suicide
- Albert Eliis Institute
- Susan Blackmore's home page
- Home page of Victor Mansfield
- Taming destructive emotions
- Meditation and the conscious self-regulation of learning a multi-disciplinary model for the scientific uses of meditatative self-correction
- Self and liberation : the Jung-Buddhism dialogue
- On being a non-Buddhist Buddhist : a conversation with myself
- A Buddhist psychology
- Nurturing the seeds of sanity : a Buddhist approach to psychotherapy
- Buddhism, psychology, and addiction theory in psychotherapy
- Five manifestations of the Buddha in the West : a brief history
- Value and meaning in Gestalt psychology and Mahayana Buddhism
- Buddhist social principles
- Integrating attachment concepts from Western psychological and Buddhist perspectives
- Buddhist empowerment : Individual, organizational, and societal transformation
- Authentic happiness : using the new positive psychology
- The role of religion and spirituality in community building
- Healing images : historical perspective
- Suffering from biobabble : searching for a science of subjectivity
- Environmental problems and Buddhist ethics : from the perspective of the consciousness-only doctrine
- Role of responsibility in daseinanalysis and Buddhism