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The Monastery of Gsang-phu ne'u-thog and Its Abbatial Succession from ca. 1073 to 1250

The Monastery of Gsang-phu ne'u-thog and Its Abbatial Succession from ca. 1073 to 1250
Berliner indologische Studien
Format: Journal
Publication Date: 1987-01
Publisher: Verlag für Orientalistische Fachpublikationen
Place of Publication: Reinbek
Pages: 103-127
Sources ID: 125669
Visibility: Public (group default)
Abstract: (Show)

This article surveys the history of Sangpu Neutok (gsang phu ne'u thog), drawing on a number of Tibetan sources and focusing on the monastery's first two hundred years.(Kevin Vose 2004-04-06)

Print media (print or manuscript, including PDFs)
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Berliner Indologische Studien