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Sources Related to Religion
- The Predicament of Lhasa Muslims in Tibet
- Memories of My Father, Abdul Ghani, in Tibet
- Tibetan Muslims
- Muslims of Tibet
- A Modern Guide for Mahāyāna Buddhist Life-Cycle Rites: The <i>Nepāl Jana Jīvan Kriyā Paddhati</i>
- <i>Kha-che</i> and <i>Gya-Kha-che</i>: Muslim Communities in Lhasa (1990)
- Power and Authority of Sufis among the Kashmiri Muslims in Tibet
- Tāranātha the Historian
- Qinghai and the Emergence of the West: Nationalities, Communal Interaction and National Integration
- The Chinese Hui Muslims Trade in Tibetan Areas
- The Moslems of Central Tibet
- Karmapas: A Historical and Philosophical Introduction
- Pilgrimage and Incest: The Case of Chorten Nyima (mchod rten nyi ma) on the Tibeto-Sikkimese Border
- Kangchendzönga: Secular and Buddhist perceptions of the mountain deity of Sikkim among the Lhopos
- The Monastery Arts and Crafts of Sikkim
- Aspects of Monastic Education in Sikkim
- <i>Yul</i> and <i>Yul Lha</i>: The Territory and Its Deity in Bhutan
- Cha-Yig Rinpoche: The Armour of Benefit and Comfort (Guideline of Rules and Regulation for All Monasteries in Sikkim)
- Origins of the Bumchu (bum chu) of Drakar Tashiding (brag dkar bkra shis sdings)
- Secularism and the Buddhist Monastery of Pemayangtse in Sikkim
- Buddhism and Bon
- The Contribution of Guru Rinpoche to Sikkim
- An Account of Guru Padmasambhava's Contribution to the Establishment of Dharma Tradition in the Hidden Land of Sikkim
- The Spiritual Heritage of Ma gcig Lab sgron
- Monastic Dance in Rumtek Monastery
- A Study of Buddhism in Sikkim
- Guide to Chang Gangkha Monastery
- 'Lama to the King of Hsia'
- Guide to Chari Monastery – A Brief History of Vajraya Monastery
- On the Origin and the Significance of the Prayer Wheel According to Two Nineteenth-Century Tibetan Literary Sources
- Guru Rinpoche's (Padmasambhava) Contribution to Sikkim
- A Brief History of Rigsum Goenpo Lhakhang and Choeten Kora in Trashi Yangtse
- Guru Rin-po-che and Lamaism in Sikkim
- Guru Padmasambhava's Contribution to Sikkim
- The Tantra 'A Vessel of <i>Bdud Rtsi</i>,' a Bon Text
- The Jo nang pas: A School of Buddhist Ontologists according to the <i>Grub mtha' šel gyi me loṅ</i>
- Guru Padmasambhava's Contribution: The Genesis of Buddhism in Sikkim
- The Jo-nang-pas on Madhyamaka: a Sketch
- Major Tibetan Life Cycle Events – Birth and Marriage Ceremonies
- Dol-po-pa shes-rab rgyal-mtshan and the genesis of the gshan-stong position in Tibet
- Where Exactly Are Cāritra, Devokoṭa and Himavat? A Sacred Geography Controversy and the Development of Tantric Buddhist Pilgrimage Sites in Tibet
- Western language bibliography of death and dying
- Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center
- Muslims of Tibet
- Urban Fault Lines in Shangri-La: Population and Economic Foundations of Inter-Ethnic Conflict in the Tibetan Areas of Western China
- Buddhism in Mongolia After 1990
- Drigung Kagyu Resource Website
- kan lho'i bod brgyud nang bstan dgon sde so so'i lo rgyus mdor bsdus/_smad cha/
- Islam in the Tibetan Cultural Sphere
- Lama Yeshe wisdom archive
- Nitartha International
- The Tibetan Book of the Dead
- Shechen Monastery and the Dilgo Khyentse Fellowship
- The John C. and Susan L. Huntington Photographic Archive of Buddhist and Related Art
- Himalayan Art Resources
- Buddhist liturgies, practices, and sutras
- A Survey of Bonpo Monasteries and Temples in Tibet and the Himalaya
- khams phyogs dkar mdzes khul gyi dgon sde so so'i lo rgyus gsal bar bshad pa nang bstan gsal ba'i me long zhes bya ba bzhugs/
- khams phyogs dkar mdzes khul gyi dgon sde so so'i lo rgyus gsal bar bshad pa nang bstan gsal ba'i me long zhes bya ba bzhugs/
- Jamgön Mipam: His Life and Teachings