Explore Tibetan Literature
Sources Related to Tibetan Literature
Recent Additions (Displaying 1 - 49 of 49)
- Tāranātha the Historian
- Some Language Traits in the Ladwags Version of the Gesar Epic
- Biographies of Shariputra and Maha-Maudgalyayana
- A Review of Sources of History of Tibet
- Cha-Yig Rinpoche: The Armour of Benefit and Comfort (Guideline of Rules and Regulation for All Monasteries in Sikkim)
- The Tibetan Literature and Its Development
- Chronicle of the King Asoka as Depicted in the History of Buddhism in India
- Padma Dkar-po on Tantra as Ground, Path and Goal
- On the Origin and the Significance of the Prayer Wheel According to Two Nineteenth-Century Tibetan Literary Sources
- A Note on Dgos-'brel
- Diagnosis and Therapy According to the rGyud-bźi
- Does Tibetan Hermeneutics Throw Any Light on <i>Sandhābhāṣa</i>
- Two Early Sources for the History of the House of Sde-dge
- Tibetan Expertise in Sanskrit Grammar – A Case Study: Grammatical Analysis of the Term <i>Pratītya–samutpāda</i>
- The Development of the Biographical Tradition Concerning Atiśa (Dīpaṃkaraśrījñāna)
- Sa-skya Paṇḍita's Letter to the Tibetans: A Late and Dubious Addition to His Collected Works
- The Tantra 'A Vessel of <i>Bdud Rtsi</i>,' a Bon Text
- The Hagiography of Nāgārjuna
- Concise Tibetan Grammar and Reader
- Index to Articles in the <i>K'ang-tsang Yen-chiu Yüeh-K'an</i> (a Contribution to the Bibliography of Tibet)
- Dol-po-pa shes-rab rgyal-mtshan and the genesis of the gshan-stong position in Tibet
- Tibetan Buddhist Text Chronology: Canonical Works
- Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center
- Old Tibetan Documents Online
- Heritage Trust Publications
- Tibetan Buddhist Texts Download Site
- Thesaurus literaturae buddhicae
- Nitartha International
- Buddhist liturgies, practices, and sutras
- The Heart Sutra
- The Tibetan Book of the Dead
- The Nepal-German Manuscript Preservation Project
- Jamgön Mipam: His Life and Teachings
- A Brief History of the Tibetan bKa' 'gyur
- The "Records of Teachings Received" in the Collected Works of A mes zhabs: an Untapped Source for the Study of Sa skya pa Biographies
- A Rñiṅ-ma Text: The Kun byed rgyal po'i mdo
- On translating oral traditions: ceremonial wedding poetry from Dingri
- The Blue Annals
- deb ther sngon po
- rnal 'byor rgyud kyi bshad thabs kyi yan lag rnam par gzhag pa/ rnal 'byor rgyud kyi rgya mtshor 'jug pa'i gru gzings/
- The Buddha from Dolpo : a study of the life and thought of the Tibetan master Dolpopa Sherab Gyaltsen
- Ro me'o dang ju likri
- bod kyi deb ther dpyid kyi rgyal mo'i glu dbyangs
- bod chen po'i srid lugs dang 'brel ba'i rgyal rabs deb ther dkar po
- rgyal ba kaH thog pa'i lo rgyus mdor bsdus
- Ham lekri
- The white annals
- History of Tibet by the Fifth Dalai Lama of Tibet
- Assorted Topics of the Great Completeness by Dodrupchen III