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Recent Additions (Displaying 1 - 31 of 31)
- Contested Hierarchies: A Collaborative Ethnography of Caste Among the Newars of the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal
- As Long as Space Endures: Essays on the Kālacakra Tantra in Honor of His Holiness the Dalai Lama
- Tibetan Historiography
- Polemical Literature (<i>dGag lan</i>)
- <i>gDams ngag</i>: Tibetan Technologies of the Self
- The Origin of the <i>rGyud bzhi</i>: A Tibetan Medical Tantra
- The Tibetan Genre of Doxography: Structuring a Worldview
- Mental Purification (<i>Blo sbyong</i>): A Native Tibetan Genre of Religious Literature
- Tibetan Literature on Art
- <i>bsDus grwa</i> Literature
- Tables of Contents (<i>dKar chag</i>)
- Firm Feet and Long Lives: The Zhabs brtan Literature of Tibetan Buddhism
- The Lives of Indian Buddhist Saints: Biography, Hagiography and Myth
- Tibetan Commentaries on Indian <i>Śāstras</i>
- Literature on Consecration (<i>Rab gnas</i>)
- The Gesar Epic of East Tibet
- Metaphors of Liberation: Tibetan Treatises on Grounds and Paths
- <i>Sūtra</i> Commentaries in Tibetan Translation
- Sādhana (<i>sGrub thabs</i>): Means of Achievement for Deity Yoga
- "Poetry"" In Tibet: <i>Glu</i>, <i>mGur</i>, <i>sNyan ngag</i> and 'Songs Of Experience'
- The Canonical <i>Tantras</i> of the New Schools
- Editors’ Introduction [to <i>Tibetan Literature: Studies in Genre</i>]
- Itineraries to Sambhala
- The Tibetan Novel and Its Sources
- A Brief History of the Tibetan bKa' 'gyur
- Offering (mChod pa) in Tibetan Ritual Literature
- The Literature of Bon
- The <i>bsTan rim</i> ("Stages of the Doctrine") and Similar Graded Expositions of the Bodhisattva's Path
- Debate Manuals (<i>Yig cha</i>) in dGe lugs Monastic Colleges
- Influence of Indic <i>Vyākaraṇa</i> on Tibetan Indigenous Grammar
- Constructing Tibetan Culture: Contemporary Perspectives