Explore Contemplation by Applied Subject
Sources Related to Contemplation by Applied Subject
- The resonance of emptiness: a Buddhist inspiration for a contemporary psychotherapy
- True refuge: finding peace and freedom in your own awakened heart
- Healing emotions: conversations with the Dalai Lama on mindfulness, emotions, and health
- The art of possibility
- Enough!: a Buddhist approach to finding release from addictive patterns
- Self comes to mind: constructing the conscious brain
- Pedagogy for Buddhist-derived meditation in secular settings: An exercise in inculturation
- Business Ethics Through Philosophy: Meditation, Teadings, Case Work
- Reports of group differences in narcissism within the practice of Buddhist Satipatthana Vipassana meditation: Experiences of self-centeredness, grandiosity, the need for mirroring/admiration, and emptiness
- Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being
- Mindfully Teaching in the Classroom: a Literature Review
- An empirical study of the mechanisms of mindfulness in a mindfulness-based stress reduction program
- Can Saints Negotiate - A Brief Introduction to the Problems of Perfect Ethics in Bargaining
- Emotional intelligence
- On some definitions of mindfulness
- Meditation and attention: A comparison of the effects of concentrative and mindfulness meditation on sustained attention
- Meditation and the neuroscience of consciousness: An introduction
- Eastern influences on Western philosophy: a reader
- Mindfulness-based stress reduction and attentional control
- Contemplative Practices and Mental Training: Prospects for American Education
- Breathing spaces: qigong, psychiatry, and healing in China
- Daily Moments of Silence in Public Schools: A Constitutional Analysis
- Buddhist philosophy and the treatment of addictive behavior
- An Investigation into the Compatibility of Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy and Buddhist Meditation
- Mindfulness meditation: What it is, what it isn't, and its role in health care and medicine
- Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating a Group Therapy for Underserved Populations
- Mindfulness: Theoretical Foundations and Evidence for its Salutary Effects
- Mindfulness-based stress reduction as a method for personnel development: A pilot evaluation
- Activities for teaching positive psychology: a guide for instructors
- Mind/body health: the effects of attitudes, emotions, and relationships
- Becoming a resonant leader: develop your emotional intelligence, renew your relationships, sustain your effectiveness
- Strategies of arousal control: Biofeedback, meditation, and motivation.
- Evolving Conceptions of Mindfulness in Clinical Settings
- A preliminary investigation of the effects of experimentally induced mindfulness on emotional responding to film clips.
- Healing spaces: the science of place and well-being
- Mindfulness: an eight-week plan for finding peace in a frantic world
- Mindfulness in higher education
- The physical and psychological effects of meditation : a review of contemporary research with a comprehensive bibliography, 1931-1996
- Discussion Forum Report from the Garrison Institute and the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL)
- The Dao of neuroscience: combining Eastern and Western principles for optimal therapeutic change
- Reflections on the Potential Growth of Mindfulness Meditation in the Law
- A randomized controlled trial of mindfulness meditation versus relaxation training: Effects on distress, positive states of mind, rumination, and distraction
- Application of integrated yoga therapy to increase imitation skills in children with autism spectrum disorder
- Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction for Health Care Professionals: Results From a Randomized Trial
- Principles and practice of stress management
- Mindfulness and Ethics: Attention, Virtue and Perfection
- Affective style, psychopathology, and resilience: Brain mechanisms and plasticity.
- Ethical know-how: action, wisdom, and cognition
- An initial evaluation of a mindful parenting program
- On becoming aware: a pragmatics of experiencing
- Prevention of relapse/recurrence in major depression by mindfulness-based cognitive therapy
- Neurocognitive Mechanisms Underlying the Experience of Flow.
- Contemplative/emotion training reduces negative emotional behavior and promotes prosocial responses
- Assessing mindfulness in children and adolescents: Development and validation of the Child and Adolescent Mindfulness Measure (CAMM)
- Mindfulness-based approaches: are they all the same?
- Toward the Integration of Meditation into Higher Education: A Review of Research Evidence
- A systematic review of neurobiological and clinical features of mindfulness meditations
- Mindfulness and the therapeutic relationship
- Some reflections on the origins of MBSR, skillful means, and the trouble with maps
- A meeting of minds in cyberspace: eco-contemplative methods for online teaching