Explore Philosophy and Contemplation Subjects: Collections Zotero Collections Contemplation by Applied Subject Philosophy and Contemplation Philosophy and Contemplation Overview Subjects 2 Sources 16 Sources Related to Philosophy and Contemplation Recent Additions (Displaying 1 - 16 of 16) - Any -Book Sort by Post date AscPost date Desc > Reflections on the Potential Growth of Mindfulness Meditation in the Law On becoming aware: a pragmatics of experiencing Wisdom: from philosophy to neuroscience Unto others: the evolution and psychology of unselfish behavior Moral minds: how nature designed our universal sense of right and wrong A guide for the perplexed Religious experience reconsidered: a building block approach to the study of religion and other special things Self: ancient and modern insights about individuality, life, and death The Oxford handbook of the self The rise and fall of soul and self: an intellectual history of personal identity Philosophy as metanoetics The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Neuroscience Leisure: the basis of culture ; The philosophical act The tacit dimension Models of the self The perennial philosophy
Overview Subjects 2 Sources 16 Sources Related to Philosophy and Contemplation Recent Additions (Displaying 1 - 16 of 16) - Any -Book Sort by Post date AscPost date Desc > Reflections on the Potential Growth of Mindfulness Meditation in the Law On becoming aware: a pragmatics of experiencing Wisdom: from philosophy to neuroscience Unto others: the evolution and psychology of unselfish behavior Moral minds: how nature designed our universal sense of right and wrong A guide for the perplexed Religious experience reconsidered: a building block approach to the study of religion and other special things Self: ancient and modern insights about individuality, life, and death The Oxford handbook of the self The rise and fall of soul and self: an intellectual history of personal identity Philosophy as metanoetics The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Neuroscience Leisure: the basis of culture ; The philosophical act The tacit dimension Models of the self The perennial philosophy
Sources Related to Philosophy and Contemplation Recent Additions (Displaying 1 - 16 of 16) - Any -Book Sort by Post date AscPost date Desc > Reflections on the Potential Growth of Mindfulness Meditation in the Law On becoming aware: a pragmatics of experiencing Wisdom: from philosophy to neuroscience Unto others: the evolution and psychology of unselfish behavior Moral minds: how nature designed our universal sense of right and wrong A guide for the perplexed Religious experience reconsidered: a building block approach to the study of religion and other special things Self: ancient and modern insights about individuality, life, and death The Oxford handbook of the self The rise and fall of soul and self: an intellectual history of personal identity Philosophy as metanoetics The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Neuroscience Leisure: the basis of culture ; The philosophical act The tacit dimension Models of the self The perennial philosophy