Explore Emotions and Contemplation Subjects: Collections Zotero Collections Contemplation by Applied Subject Science and Contemplation Psychology and Contemplation Emotions and Contemplation Emotions and Contemplation Overview Subjects 1 Sources 13 Sources Related to Emotions and Contemplation Recent Additions (Displaying 1 - 13 of 13) - Any -Book Sort by Post date AscPost date Desc > Healing emotions: conversations with the Dalai Lama on mindfulness, emotions, and health Emotional intelligence Mind/body health: the effects of attitudes, emotions, and relationships A preliminary investigation of the effects of experimentally induced mindfulness on emotional responding to film clips. Contemplative/emotion training reduces negative emotional behavior and promotes prosocial responses The HeartMath solution Emotional awareness: overcoming the obstacles to psychological balance and compassion: a conversation between the Dalai Lama and Paul Ekman Supplemental Material for Minding One’s Emotions: Mindfulness Training Alters the Neural Expression of Sadness. Examining the protective effects of mindfulness training on working memory capacity and affective experience. Minding one’s emotions: Mindfulness training alters the neural expression of sadness. What good are positive emotions? Brain and Emotional Intelligence: New Insights Contemplation strikes emotional chords with kids
Overview Subjects 1 Sources 13 Sources Related to Emotions and Contemplation Recent Additions (Displaying 1 - 13 of 13) - Any -Book Sort by Post date AscPost date Desc > Healing emotions: conversations with the Dalai Lama on mindfulness, emotions, and health Emotional intelligence Mind/body health: the effects of attitudes, emotions, and relationships A preliminary investigation of the effects of experimentally induced mindfulness on emotional responding to film clips. Contemplative/emotion training reduces negative emotional behavior and promotes prosocial responses The HeartMath solution Emotional awareness: overcoming the obstacles to psychological balance and compassion: a conversation between the Dalai Lama and Paul Ekman Supplemental Material for Minding One’s Emotions: Mindfulness Training Alters the Neural Expression of Sadness. Examining the protective effects of mindfulness training on working memory capacity and affective experience. Minding one’s emotions: Mindfulness training alters the neural expression of sadness. What good are positive emotions? Brain and Emotional Intelligence: New Insights Contemplation strikes emotional chords with kids
Sources Related to Emotions and Contemplation Recent Additions (Displaying 1 - 13 of 13) - Any -Book Sort by Post date AscPost date Desc > Healing emotions: conversations with the Dalai Lama on mindfulness, emotions, and health Emotional intelligence Mind/body health: the effects of attitudes, emotions, and relationships A preliminary investigation of the effects of experimentally induced mindfulness on emotional responding to film clips. Contemplative/emotion training reduces negative emotional behavior and promotes prosocial responses The HeartMath solution Emotional awareness: overcoming the obstacles to psychological balance and compassion: a conversation between the Dalai Lama and Paul Ekman Supplemental Material for Minding One’s Emotions: Mindfulness Training Alters the Neural Expression of Sadness. Examining the protective effects of mindfulness training on working memory capacity and affective experience. Minding one’s emotions: Mindfulness training alters the neural expression of sadness. What good are positive emotions? Brain and Emotional Intelligence: New Insights Contemplation strikes emotional chords with kids