Explore Christian Contemplation
Sources Related to Christian Contemplation
Recent Additions (Displaying 1 - 33 of 33)
- Contemplative prayer
- Christian Zen /
- The Contemplative path: reflections on recovering a lost tradition
- A serious call to a devout and holy life
- Centering prayer and inner awakening
- The contemplative life ; The giants ; and, Selections
- Chanting the Psalms: a practical guide with instructional CD
- Bishop Joseph Hall and Protestant meditation in seventeenth-century England: a study with texts of The art of divine meditation (1606) and Occasional meditations (1633)
- Meditation
- Centering Prayer and Attention of the Heart
- Becoming the word: theosis in the Eucharist and Qurʼān
- The poetry of meditation; a study in English religious literature of the seventeenth century, by Louis L. Martz
- An art of our own: the spiritual in twentieth-century art
- The Life of Antony
- Thinking: From Solitude to Dialogue and Contemplation
- Meditations of the heart: the psalms in christian thought and practice. Festschrift Andrew Louth.
- The wisdom Jesus: transforming heart and mind : a new perspective on Christ and his message
- Spiritual direction and meditation
- Our treasured heritage : teaching Christian meditation to children
- Putting on the mind of Christ: the inner work of Christian spirituality
- The forgotten desert mothers: sayings, lives, and stories of early Christian women
- Experiencing medieval Christian spirituality
- Honey and salt: selected spiritual writings of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux
- Centering Prayer and the Healing of the Unconsious (review)
- Coming home : a guide to teaching Christian meditation to children
- Being Still: Reflections on an Ancient Mystical Tradition
- Toward transfigured life : the theoria of Eastern Orthodox ethics
- The desert fathers; translations from the Latin with an introduction
- Orthodox spirituality, an outline of the orthodox ascetical and mystical tradition,
- Jesus Prayer and the Nembutsu
- An introduction to "The cloud of unknowing"
- The rule of Saint Benedict
- Into the silent land: a guide to the Christian practice of contemplation