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Sources Related to Hindu Contemplation
Recent Additions (Displaying 1 - 55 of 55)
- Yoga in the Yoga Upaniṣads : disciplines of the mystical OṂ sound
- Theory and practice of yoga: essays in honour of Gerald James Larson
- Transcendental Meditation, mindfulness, and longevity: An experimental study with the elderly.
- The Yoga-sūtra of Patañjali: an exercise in the methodology of textual analysis
- Yoga Research Bibliography: Scientific Studies on Yoga and Meditation
- Reflections on theory and practice: the case of modern yoga
- The Wedding of Śiva and the Goddess in the Kulālikāmnāya
- The Ocean of the Heart: Selections from the Kulārṇava Tantra
- The Worship of Kālī According to the Toḍala Tantra
- Tantra in Practice
- Sri Swami Satchidananda, apostle of peace
- Yoga practices in the Bhagavadgīta
- Evidence that the Transcendental Meditation program prevents or decreases diseases of the nervous system and is specifically beneficial for epilepsy
- Songs to the highest god (Īśvara) of Sāṃkhya-Yoga
- Yoga Makaranda of T. Krishnamacharya
- The Six Rites of Magic
- The original Gorakṣaśataka
- Transcendental meditation and improved performance on intelligence-related measures: A longitudinal study
- A Parody of the Kāpālikas in the Mattavilāsa
- Tantric Rites in Āṇṭāḷ's Poetry
- Interviews with a Tantric Kālī Priest: Feeding Skulls in the Town of Sacrifice
- Yogic language in village performance: hymns of the householder Nāths
- The science of Yoga; a commentary on the Yoga-s¯utras of Patañjali in the light of modern thought. By I.K. Taimni
- The Necklace of Immortality: A Seventeeth-Century Vaiṣṇava Sahajiyā Text
- Eroticism and cosmic transformation as yoga : the Ātmatattva of the Vaiṣṇava Sahajiyās of Bengal
- The path to liberation through yogic mindfulness in early Āyurveda
- Nāth Yogīs, Akbar, and the "Bālnāth Ṭillā"
- Patanjali yoga sutras : text, word meaning and sutrawise commentary
- Note for Instructors
- The Jain Monk Jinapati Sūri Gets the Better of a Nāth Yogī
- Praises of the Drunken Peacocks
- An Advertised Secret: The Goddess Taleju and the King of Kathmandu
- On the Seal of Śambhu: A Poem by Abhinavagupta
- The Transcendental Meditation TM book: how to enjoy the rest of your life
- Pātañjala yoga in practice
- The light of the soul, its science and effect; a paraphrase of the Yoga sutras of Patanjali with commentary by Alice A. Bailey
- The Effects of the transcendental meditation program on mindfulness
- Yoga mala
- Yoga, brief history of an idea
- The Anonymous Āgama Prakāśa: Preface to a Nineteenth-Century Gujarati Polemic
- Secret Yantras and Erotic Display for Hindu Temples
- The science of yoga: the risks and the rewards
- The Tantric Guru
- Theos Bernard and the early days of tantric yoga in America
- Introduction to Tantra in Practice
- A Trance Healing Session with Mātājī
- Conversation between Guru Hasan Kabīruddīn and Jogī Kāniphā: Tantra Revisited by the Ismaili Preachers
- Raising Snakes in Bengal: The Use of Tantric Imagery in Śākta Poetry Contests
- Yoga: union with the ultimate. A new version of the ancient Yoga sutras of Patanjali
- The alchemical body: Siddha traditions in medieval India
- The yoga system of the Josmanīs
- The sevenfold yoga of the Yogavāsiṣṭha
- The transport of the Haṃsas : A Śakta Rāsalīlā as Rājayoga in eighteenth-century Benares
- A prescription for yoga and power in the Mahābhārata
- The Purification of the Body