Explore Tantric Studies Subjects: Tibet and Himalayas Bibliographic Classification Tantric Studies Tantric Studies Overview Subjects 28 Audio-Video 165 Sources 14 Sources Related to Tantric Studies Recent Additions (Displaying 1 - 14 of 14) - Any -Book Sort by Post date AscPost date Desc > Padma Dkar-po on Tantra as Ground, Path and Goal Does Tibetan Hermeneutics Throw Any Light on <i>Sandhābhāṣa</i> The Tantra 'A Vessel of <i>Bdud Rtsi</i>,' a Bon Text Where Exactly Are Cāritra, Devokoṭa and Himavat? A Sacred Geography Controversy and the Development of Tantric Buddhist Pilgrimage Sites in Tibet Tibetan Tantric Manuscripts from Dunhuang: A Descriptive Catalogue of the Stein Collection at the British Library A Rñiṅ-ma Text: The Kun byed rgyal po'i mdo Approaching the Great Perfection: Simultaneous and Gradual Methods of Dzogchen Practice in the Longchen Nyingtig Indian Esoteric Buddhism: A Social History of the Tantric Movement Indo-Tibetan Buddhism: Indian Buddhists and their Tibetan Successors Hevajra Tantra The Weaving of Mantra The Cakrasamvara Tantra (The Discourse of Śrī Heruka): A Study and Annotated Translation The Mahā-Vairocana-Abhisaṃbodhi Tantra: With Buddhaguya's Commentary rnal 'byor rgyud kyi bshad thabs kyi yan lag rnam par gzhag pa/ rnal 'byor rgyud kyi rgya mtshor 'jug pa'i gru gzings/
Overview Subjects 28 Audio-Video 165 Sources 14 Sources Related to Tantric Studies Recent Additions (Displaying 1 - 14 of 14) - Any -Book Sort by Post date AscPost date Desc > Padma Dkar-po on Tantra as Ground, Path and Goal Does Tibetan Hermeneutics Throw Any Light on <i>Sandhābhāṣa</i> The Tantra 'A Vessel of <i>Bdud Rtsi</i>,' a Bon Text Where Exactly Are Cāritra, Devokoṭa and Himavat? A Sacred Geography Controversy and the Development of Tantric Buddhist Pilgrimage Sites in Tibet Tibetan Tantric Manuscripts from Dunhuang: A Descriptive Catalogue of the Stein Collection at the British Library A Rñiṅ-ma Text: The Kun byed rgyal po'i mdo Approaching the Great Perfection: Simultaneous and Gradual Methods of Dzogchen Practice in the Longchen Nyingtig Indian Esoteric Buddhism: A Social History of the Tantric Movement Indo-Tibetan Buddhism: Indian Buddhists and their Tibetan Successors Hevajra Tantra The Weaving of Mantra The Cakrasamvara Tantra (The Discourse of Śrī Heruka): A Study and Annotated Translation The Mahā-Vairocana-Abhisaṃbodhi Tantra: With Buddhaguya's Commentary rnal 'byor rgyud kyi bshad thabs kyi yan lag rnam par gzhag pa/ rnal 'byor rgyud kyi rgya mtshor 'jug pa'i gru gzings/
Sources Related to Tantric Studies Recent Additions (Displaying 1 - 14 of 14) - Any -Book Sort by Post date AscPost date Desc > Padma Dkar-po on Tantra as Ground, Path and Goal Does Tibetan Hermeneutics Throw Any Light on <i>Sandhābhāṣa</i> The Tantra 'A Vessel of <i>Bdud Rtsi</i>,' a Bon Text Where Exactly Are Cāritra, Devokoṭa and Himavat? A Sacred Geography Controversy and the Development of Tantric Buddhist Pilgrimage Sites in Tibet Tibetan Tantric Manuscripts from Dunhuang: A Descriptive Catalogue of the Stein Collection at the British Library A Rñiṅ-ma Text: The Kun byed rgyal po'i mdo Approaching the Great Perfection: Simultaneous and Gradual Methods of Dzogchen Practice in the Longchen Nyingtig Indian Esoteric Buddhism: A Social History of the Tantric Movement Indo-Tibetan Buddhism: Indian Buddhists and their Tibetan Successors Hevajra Tantra The Weaving of Mantra The Cakrasamvara Tantra (The Discourse of Śrī Heruka): A Study and Annotated Translation The Mahā-Vairocana-Abhisaṃbodhi Tantra: With Buddhaguya's Commentary rnal 'byor rgyud kyi bshad thabs kyi yan lag rnam par gzhag pa/ rnal 'byor rgyud kyi rgya mtshor 'jug pa'i gru gzings/