Explore Practices of Buddhist Contemplation
Sources Related to Practices of Buddhist Contemplation
- Religions of Tibet in practice
- Reports of group differences in narcissism within the practice of Buddhist Satipatthana Vipassana meditation: Experiences of self-centeredness, grandiosity, the need for mirroring/admiration, and emptiness
- A Prayer Flag for Tara
- The Dalai Lamas on tantra
- Mindfulness and the therapeutic relationship
- A comparison of the effects of Zen breath meditation or relaxation on college adjustment
- Mindfulness in early Buddhism: new approaches through psychology and textual analysis of Pali, Chinese, and Sanskrit sources
- Rites and prayers: an FPMT [Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition] manual
- Cultivating Loving Kindness: A Two-Stage Model of the Effects of Meditation on Empathy, Compassion, and Altruism
- Daily Prayers
- Issues in samatha and vipasyana: A comparative study of Buddhist meditation
- Kālachakra tantra: rite of initiation: for the stage of generation: a commentary on the text of Kay-drup-ge-lek-bel-sang-bo
- Mindfulness : A Practical Guide to Awakening
- Tantric Buddhism and Chinese Thought in East Asia
- Two Tantric Meditations: Visualizing the Deity
- The essence of Mahayana lojong practice : an oral commentary to Geshe Langri Tangpa's Mind training in eight verses
- Firm Feet and Long Lives: The Zhabs brtan Literature of Tibetan Buddhism
- The Consecration of a Monastic Compound at Mount Koya by Kūkai
- Death, intermediate state and rebirth in Tibetan Buddhism
- The Horseback Consecration Ritual
- The wheel of time : the Kalachakra in context
- BG 074: Analytical Meditation: Going Beyond Coffee Table Dharma
- The three visions: fundamental teachings of the Sakya Lineage of Tibetan Buddhism
- The Yogin Lorepa's Retreat at Lake Namtso
- Creativity and the Zen koan
- Tantra
- Characteristics of East Asian meditation
- Wheel of time [videorecording]
- Tantra in Practice
- A Study of the Profound Path of GCod: The Mahāyāna Buddhist Meditation Tradition of Tibet's Great Woman Saint Machig Labdron
- A commentary on the Kālacakra tantra
- Exorcising Demons with a Buddhist Sutra
- Meditation on emptiness
- Guide to Dakini land: the highest yoga tantra practice of Buddha Vajrayogini
- Serenity and Discernment
- Offering (mChod pa) in Tibetan Ritual Literature
- The practice of Kalachakra
- Emptiness and Dust: Zen Dharma Transmission Rituals
- Great treatise on the stages of mantra (Sngags rim chen mo): (critical elucidation of the key instructions in all the secret stages of the path of the victorious universal lord, Great Vajradhara) : chapters XI-XII, the creation stage
- Seeking the Heart of Wisdom: The Path of Insight Meditation
- The yoga of Tibet: the great exposition of secret mantra, 2 and 3
- King Kuñji's Banquet
- The Direct Path to Enlightenment
- Mind training: the great collection
- The treasury of knowledge: book eight, part four: esoteric instructions: a detailed presentation of the process of meditation in Vajrayāna
- Opening the door to Bön
- Nyung Nä: The Means of Accomplishment of the Eleven-Faced Great Compassionate One, Avalokiteśhvara
- Meditation and the concept of insight in Kamalasila's "Bhavanakramas"
- The wheel of time sand mandala: visual scripture of Tibetan Buddhism
- Japanese Tantra, the Tachikawa-ryū, and Ryōbu Shintō
- Kalachakra : the cycle of time
- A Prayer for Deliverance from Rebirth
- Peacock in the poison grove: two Buddhist texts on training the mind ; the wheel weapon (mtshon chakhor lo and the poison-destroying peacock (rma bya dug joms) attributed to Dharmarakṣita
- Dōgen's manuals of Zen meditation
- A literary transmission of the traditions of Thang-stong rGyal-po: a study of visionary Buddhism in Tibet
- An Avalokitesvara Sadhana
- Making sense of Tantric Buddhism: history, semiology, and transgression in the Indian traditions
- Mindfulness and the Therapeutic Relationship
- The questions and answers of Vajrasattva
- Wrathful Deities