Explore Hindu Tantra Subjects: Collections Zotero Collections Contemplation by Tradition Hindu Contemplation Hindu Contemplation by Tradition Hindu Tantra Hindu Tantra Overview Subjects 1 Sources 22 Sources Related to Hindu Tantra Recent Additions (Displaying 1 - 22 of 22) - Any -Book Sort by Post date AscPost date Desc > The Wedding of Śiva and the Goddess in the Kulālikāmnāya The Ocean of the Heart: Selections from the Kulārṇava Tantra The Worship of Kālī According to the Toḍala Tantra Tantra in Practice The Six Rites of Magic A Parody of the Kāpālikas in the Mattavilāsa Tantric Rites in Āṇṭāḷ's Poetry Interviews with a Tantric Kālī Priest: Feeding Skulls in the Town of Sacrifice The Necklace of Immortality: A Seventeeth-Century Vaiṣṇava Sahajiyā Text The Jain Monk Jinapati Sūri Gets the Better of a Nāth Yogī Praises of the Drunken Peacocks An Advertised Secret: The Goddess Taleju and the King of Kathmandu On the Seal of Śambhu: A Poem by Abhinavagupta The Anonymous Āgama Prakāśa: Preface to a Nineteenth-Century Gujarati Polemic Secret Yantras and Erotic Display for Hindu Temples The Tantric Guru Introduction to Tantra in Practice A Trance Healing Session with Mātājī Conversation between Guru Hasan Kabīruddīn and Jogī Kāniphā: Tantra Revisited by the Ismaili Preachers Raising Snakes in Bengal: The Use of Tantric Imagery in Śākta Poetry Contests The alchemical body: Siddha traditions in medieval India The Purification of the Body
Overview Subjects 1 Sources 22 Sources Related to Hindu Tantra Recent Additions (Displaying 1 - 22 of 22) - Any -Book Sort by Post date AscPost date Desc > The Wedding of Śiva and the Goddess in the Kulālikāmnāya The Ocean of the Heart: Selections from the Kulārṇava Tantra The Worship of Kālī According to the Toḍala Tantra Tantra in Practice The Six Rites of Magic A Parody of the Kāpālikas in the Mattavilāsa Tantric Rites in Āṇṭāḷ's Poetry Interviews with a Tantric Kālī Priest: Feeding Skulls in the Town of Sacrifice The Necklace of Immortality: A Seventeeth-Century Vaiṣṇava Sahajiyā Text The Jain Monk Jinapati Sūri Gets the Better of a Nāth Yogī Praises of the Drunken Peacocks An Advertised Secret: The Goddess Taleju and the King of Kathmandu On the Seal of Śambhu: A Poem by Abhinavagupta The Anonymous Āgama Prakāśa: Preface to a Nineteenth-Century Gujarati Polemic Secret Yantras and Erotic Display for Hindu Temples The Tantric Guru Introduction to Tantra in Practice A Trance Healing Session with Mātājī Conversation between Guru Hasan Kabīruddīn and Jogī Kāniphā: Tantra Revisited by the Ismaili Preachers Raising Snakes in Bengal: The Use of Tantric Imagery in Śākta Poetry Contests The alchemical body: Siddha traditions in medieval India The Purification of the Body
Sources Related to Hindu Tantra Recent Additions (Displaying 1 - 22 of 22) - Any -Book Sort by Post date AscPost date Desc > The Wedding of Śiva and the Goddess in the Kulālikāmnāya The Ocean of the Heart: Selections from the Kulārṇava Tantra The Worship of Kālī According to the Toḍala Tantra Tantra in Practice The Six Rites of Magic A Parody of the Kāpālikas in the Mattavilāsa Tantric Rites in Āṇṭāḷ's Poetry Interviews with a Tantric Kālī Priest: Feeding Skulls in the Town of Sacrifice The Necklace of Immortality: A Seventeeth-Century Vaiṣṇava Sahajiyā Text The Jain Monk Jinapati Sūri Gets the Better of a Nāth Yogī Praises of the Drunken Peacocks An Advertised Secret: The Goddess Taleju and the King of Kathmandu On the Seal of Śambhu: A Poem by Abhinavagupta The Anonymous Āgama Prakāśa: Preface to a Nineteenth-Century Gujarati Polemic Secret Yantras and Erotic Display for Hindu Temples The Tantric Guru Introduction to Tantra in Practice A Trance Healing Session with Mātājī Conversation between Guru Hasan Kabīruddīn and Jogī Kāniphā: Tantra Revisited by the Ismaili Preachers Raising Snakes in Bengal: The Use of Tantric Imagery in Śākta Poetry Contests The alchemical body: Siddha traditions in medieval India The Purification of the Body