- ID:
- T187027
(Tibetan, Tibetan script, Original)
- > rang byon/ (Tibetan, Latin script, Transliteration-THL Extended Wylie Transliteration)
- > rangjön (Tibetan, Latin script, Transcription-THL Simplified Tibetan Transcription)
Other Dictionaries
1. bod rgya tshig mdzod chen mo
[2651] རྩོལ་བ་ལ་མ་བརྟེན་པར་བྱུང་བ། ... ལྷ་སྐུ་རང་བྱོན། ... མ་ཎི་རང་བྱོན། ...
Further Details- Language:
- English
2. Thupten Phuntsok Dictionary
3. dung dkar bod rig pa'i tshig mdzod chen mo
Further Details- Language:
- Tibetan
4. smon lam tshig mdzod chen mo
5. Rangjung Yeshe Dictionary
naturally appeared, self-appeared. spontaneously appeared, self-created image; naturally formed, self-arisen [image]
Further Details- Language:
- English
6. Ives Waldo Dictionary
naturally/ self-appeared, [just] suddenly and spontaneously appeared, w/o effort not product of elements or of man, but rather miraculous and auspicious it happens a lot in tibet, like the mantra om mani padme hum appearing on a rock]
Further Details- Language:
- English
7. Jim Valby Dictionary
naturally appeared, miraculous & auspicious occurrence, epithet of brahma, self-evolved, self-grown, born of itself, as if spontaneously appeared in that way
Further Details- Language:
- English
- Phoneme: