a lu/
- ID:
- T219706
(Tibetan, Tibetan script, Original)
- > a lu/ (Tibetan, Latin script, Transliteration-THL Extended Wylie Transliteration)
- > alu (Tibetan, Latin script, Transcription-THL Simplified Tibetan Transcription)
Other Dictionaries
1. bod rgya tshig mdzod chen mo
2. Thupten Phuntsok Dictionary
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4. Dan Martin Dictionary
byis pa. Yisun. Occurrences in the Zhi-byed Coll. preclude the meaning 'child,' however. 'a mas bus pa brid pa la / a lu byin pa de la 'chags / phyis 'a ma mthong ba'i tshe na a lu bor nas spang du rgyug. In Zhi-byed Coll. (lost ref.). a lu ngo shes byis pa de dus brid du myed. Zhi-byed Coll. I 298.7. See dwa ba.
Further Details- Language:
- English
5. Ives Waldo Dictionary
- Phoneme: