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MonasterySakya Monastery is located in Saga County and was built by Khön Könchok Gyelpo in the 11th century. Named after the color of the earth, the Great Temple was built under Drogön Chögyel Pakpa, and was later expanded by others including Pönchen Shakya Zangpo. Inside the monastery are statues, texts and objects such as a one story high Buddha built under Drogön Chögyel Pakpa, a Tara statue brought by Jowo Jé Atisha, a white conch, and objects made out of gold or silver. It houses a massive library including Sanskrit books from India and Tibetan and Chinese treatises and commentaries. Also inside are relic stupas of Sachen Künga Lodrö, Sönam Wangchuk, Nganchang Künga Tutop Wangchuk, Sönam Drakpa Gyeltsen, and others made out of gold and copper.