Explore Contemplation by Applied Subject
Sources Related to Contemplation by Applied Subject
- The mind and the brain : neuroplasticity and the power of mental force
- The end of diversity as we know it: why diversity efforts fail and how leveraging difference can succeed
- Assessing Mindfulness and Acceptance Processes in Clients: Illuminating the Theory and Practice of Change
- The case for a contemplative philosophy of education
- Reducción de los Niveles de Estrés Docente y los Días de Baja Laboral por Enfermedad en Profesores de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria a través de un Programa de Entrenamiento en Mindfulness
- Moral minds: how nature designed our universal sense of right and wrong
- The embodied mind: cognitive science and human experience
- The ravenous brain: how the new science of consciousness explains our insatiable search for meaning
- Descriptive Inquiry as Contemplative Practice
- Contemplative Practices: Educating for Peace and Tolerance
- The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Neuroscience
- Complementary and Alternative Medicine for Older Adults: A Guide to Holistic Approaches to Healthy Aging
- Supplemental Material for Minding One’s Emotions: Mindfulness Training Alters the Neural Expression of Sadness.
- Cognitive Rigidity and Flexibility: A Neuropsychological Study
- Embodied contemplative learning: Aikido as a case study
- Meredith Monk.
- The Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology
- In over our heads: the mental demands of modern life
- Association of participation in a mindfulness programme with bowel symptoms, gastrointestinal symptom-specific anxiety and quality of life
- The contemplative life ; The giants ; and, Selections
- La jetée: ciné-roman
- Flourish: a visionary new understanding of happiness and well-being
- Treating children traumatized by war and tsunami: A comparison between exposure therapy and meditation-relaxation in North-East Sri Lanka
- Memories, dreams, reflections
- Overview of Outcome Data of Potential Meditation Training for Soldier Resilience
- Answer to job
- The neuroscience of psychotherapy: healing the social brain
- A controlled trial of mindfulness training in schools: The importance of practice for an impact on well-being
- The collective dynamics of contemplative practice
- Love and Knowledge: Recovering the Heart of Learning Through Contemplation
- Inspired Thinking, Thoughtful Action: The Garrison Institute Combined Report 2003-2007
- Examining the protective effects of mindfulness training on working memory capacity and affective experience.
- Making Minds Matter: Infusing Mindfulness Into School Counseling
- Consciousness and mental life
- What good are positive emotions?
- Transformative dimensions of adult learning
- Unto others: the evolution and psychology of unselfish behavior
- Presence in teaching
- Teaching meditation to children : the practical guide to the use and benefits of meditation techniques
- Human: the science behind what makes us unique
- Reducing Teachers' Psychological Distress through a Mindfulness Training Program
- The Contribution of Mindfulness Practice to a Multicomponent Behavioral Sleep Intervention Following Substance Abuse Treatment in Adolescents: A Treatment-Development Study
- Introduction: Toward an applied metacognition
- Attentional and affective concomitants of meditation: A cross-sectional study.
- Meditation and education: India, Tibet, and modern America
- The role of mindfulness in romantic relationship satisfaction and responses to relationship stress
- Effect of yoga on academic performance in relation to stress
- Vigilant attention
- Yoga therapy in practice: Healing childhood sexual abuse with yoga
- Minding one’s emotions: Mindfulness training alters the neural expression of sadness.
- Psychosocial Factors and Prediction of Headaches in College Adults
- Clinical handbook of mindfulness
- Mindfulness meditation in clinical practice
- “Listening Dangerously”: Dialogue Training as Contemplative Pedagogy
- Contemplation strikes emotional chords with kids
- Leading from within: poetry that sustains the courage to lead
- Meditation, classic and contemporary perspectives
- Brain and Emotional Intelligence: New Insights
- Learning mind: experience into art
- Preliminary outcomes of a mindfulness-based programme for Hong Kong adolescents in schools: well-being, stress and depressive symptoms