Explore Contemplation by Applied Subject
Sources Related to Contemplation by Applied Subject
- Adapting dialectical behavior therapy to help suicidal adolescents
- What's Special about Meditation - Contemplative Practice for American Lawyers
- Let's be still stillness meditation for children and adolescents
- Commentary: Mindfulness in medicine, mindfulness in life.
- Two contemplative practices that animate the study of religion
- Who's in charge?: free will and the science of the brain
- Self: ancient and modern insights about individuality, life, and death
- Thinking, fast and slow
- Psychological Treatment for Adolescent Depression: Perspectives on the Past, Present, and Future
- The evolving self: problem and process in human development
- Multiple intelligences: the theory in practice
- Meditation in schools a practical guide to calmer classrooms
- The brain that changes itself: stories of personal triumph from the frontiers of brain science
- Mindfulness as a Coping Mechanism for Employment Uncertainty
- Effects of meditation on attention processes
- Inner work: using dreams and active imagination for personal growth
- The Handbook of Transformative Learning : Theory, Research, and Practice
- Meditation and positive psychology
- Learning to Breathe : A Mindfulness Curriculum for Adolescents to Cultivate Emotion Regulation, Attention, and Performance
- Zen and the brain: toward an understanding of meditation and consciousness
- Mindfulness in the history classroom: teaching as interbeing
- The effects of stress on memory and the hippocampus throughout the life cycle: Implications for childhood development and aging
- Teach us to sit still: a skeptic's search for health and healing
- Further examination of the quality of changes in creative functioning resulting from meditation (Zazen) training
- Into the light of things: the art of the commonplace from Wordsworth to John Cage
- Gorillas in our midst: sustained inattentional blindness for dynamic events
- Religious experience reconsidered: a building block approach to the study of religion and other special things
- No such thing as silence: John Cage's 4'33"
- The positive psychology of Buddhism and yoga: paths to a mature happiness, with a special application to handling anger
- Toward a theory of cognitive aptitude for learning from instruction
- The power of resilience: achieving balance, confidence, and personal strength in your life
- The idea of love
- Contemplative Studies: Prospects for a New Field
- Invitation and coercion in contemplative pedagogy
- Primary Prevention: Educational Approaches to Enhance Social and Emotional Learning
- The Effects of Meditation on Teacher Perceived Occupational Stress, State and Trait Anxiety, and Burnout
- The Intensive Buddhist Meditation Retreat and the Self: Psychological and Theravadin Considerations
- Meditation as an intervention in stress reactivity.
- Sustaining life: contemplative pedagogies in a religion and ecology course
- Relaxation response-based yoga improves functioning in young children with autism: a pilot study
- Effects of Mindful Awareness Practices on Executive Functions in Elementary School Children
- Introduction to Jungian psychology: notes of the seminar on analytical psychology given in 1925
- Introduction: Contemplative Practices and Education
- Developmental Issues in Contemplative Education, April 2008
- Emotional healing and self-esteem : inner-life skills of relaxation, visualisation and meditation for children and adolescents
- Meditation, Creativity, and Consciousness: Charting Future Terrain Within Higher Education
- A Mindful Education
- Meditation for dummies, 3rd edition w/audio cd
- Incomplete nature: how mind emerged from matter
- From Brain to Mind [electronic resource]: Using Neuroscience to Guide Change in Education
- The forest unseen: a year's watch in nature
- Debilitating motivation and testing: A major educational problem, possible solutions, and policy applications
- MindScience: an East-West dialogue
- Being with dying: cultivating compassion and fearlessness in the presence of death
- Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression: Replication and Exploration of Differential Relapse Prevention Effects.
- The meeting of meditative disciplines and western psychology: A mutually enriching dialogue
- Children, meditation, and growth : teaching meditation to children using the satya method
- Sustainable happiness: the mind science of well-being, altruism, and inspiration
- Meditating Teachers: a qualitative study
- Transformations of consciousness: conventional and contemplative perspectives on development