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Sources Related to Contexts of Contemplation Project
- The Neural Basis of Empathy
- The effects of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy on affective memory recall dynamics in depression: a mechanistic model of rumination
- The Biopsychology of Trauma and Memory.
- Grounded Cognition
- Evoked potential measures of interhemispheric transfer time in reading disabled and normal boys
- Dualism redux in recent neuroscience: "Theory of mind" and "embodied simulation" hypotheses in light of historical debates about perception, cognition, and mind
- Social Power and Emotional Experience: Actor and Partner Effects Within Dyadic Interactions
- The voice of emotion: an FMRI study of neural responses to angry and happy vocal expressions
- Signs of appeasement: Evidence for the distinct displays of embarrassment, amusement, and shame.
- The roles of automatic and strategic processing in sensitivity to superordinate and property frequency.
- Anomalous bimanual coordination among dyslexic boys.
- An imaging roadmap for biology education: from nanoparticles to whole organisms
- Beyond acetylcholine: Next steps for sleep and memory research
- Mindfulness training improves attentional task performance in incarcerated youth: a group randomized controlled intervention trial
- The Instantiation Principle in Natural Categories
- Beyond valence: Toward a model of emotion-specific influences on judgement and choice
- Multivariate General Linear Models (MGLM) on Riemannian Manifolds with Applications to Statistical Analysis of Diffusion Weighted Images
- A Reciprocal Influence Model of Social Power: Emerging Principles and Lines of Inquiry
- Personality and behavior in parents of tempermentally inhibited and uninhibited children
- Age-related differences in function and structure of rSMG and reduced functional connectivity with DLPFC explains heightened emotional egocentricity bias in childhood
- The sociocultural appraisals, values, and emotions (SAVE) framework of prosociality: core processes from gene to meme
- The powerful placebo: doubting the doubters
- Positive emotion dispositions differentially associated with Big Five personality and attachment style
- Classifying the wandering mind: Revealing the affective content of thoughts during task-free rest periods
- Functional magnetic resonance imaging studies of emotional processing in normal and depressed patients: effects of venlafaxine
- Ekman, emotional expression, and the art of empirical epiphany
- Language Comprehension: Archival Memory or Preparation for Situated Action?
- Probing emotion in the developing brain: functional neuroimaging in the assessment of the neural substrates of emotion in normal and disordered children and adolescents
- EMOTION AND AFFECTIVE STYLE: Hemispheric Substrates
- Prolegomenon to the structure of emotion: Gleanings from neuropsychology
- Is self-generated thought a means of social problem solving?
- Specificity and patterning in biobehavioral systems: Implications for behavior change
- The similarity-in-topography principle: reconciling theories of conceptual deficits
- Mechanisms of change in Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy for Depression: Preliminary evidence from a randomized controlled trial.
- Using art for comparison and distraction: Effects on negative emotions and judgements of satisfaction
- Stressed power motivation, sympathetic activation, immune function, and illness
- Electroencephalogram asymmetry in response to the approach of a stranger and maternal separation in 10-month-old infants
- Pediatric neuroimaging and developmental disorders of cognition and affect: introduction to the special issue
- Lateral specialization in the human brain: speculations concerning its origins and development
- Neuropsychological Perspectives on Affective and Anxiety Disorders
- Having less, giving more: The influence of social class on prosocial behavior
- Baseline asymmetries in brain electrical activity predict dichotic listening performance
- Depression: perspectives from affective neuroscience
- The role of empathy in the formation and maintenance of social bonds
- Parsing affective space: Perspectives from neuropsychology and psychophysiology
- Cross-cultural differences in hemisphericity: EEG asymmetry discriminates between Japanese and Westerners
- The influence of concentrative meditation training on the development of attention networks during early adolescence
- Culture and Facial Expression: Open-ended Methods Find More Expressions and a Gradient of Recognition
- Different religions, different emotions
- The situated nature of concepts
- Decreased responsiveness to reward in depression
- Rose-colored glasses gone too far? Mania symptoms predict biased emotion experience and perception in couples
- Brief Report The coherence of emotion systems: Comparing “on‐line” measures of appraisal and facial expressions, and self‐report
- An analysis of recent meditation research and suggestions for future directions
- I Love You But…: Cultural Differences in Complexity of Emotional Experience During Interaction with a Romantic Partner
- Mindfulness training alters emotional memory recall compared to active controls: support for an emotional information processing model of mindfulness
- Biofeedback for the Clinician.
- Role of mental imagery in a property verification task: fMRI evidence for perceptual representations of conceptual knowledge
- Feelings and consumer decision making: Extending the appraisal-tendency framewor
- “Maybe I Made Up the Whole Thing”: Placebos and Patients' Experiences in a Randomized Controlled Trial