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Sources Related to Contexts of Contemplation Project
- A meeting of minds in cyberspace: eco-contemplative methods for online teaching
- A comparison of the effects of Zen breath meditation or relaxation on college adjustment
- Four-year follow-up of meditation-based program for self-regulation of chronic pain: Treatment outcomes and compliance
- Enhancing Health and Emotion: Mindfulness as a Missing Link Between Cognitive Therapy and Positive Psychology
- The relationship between patient suitability, therapeutic alliance, homework compliance and outcome in cognitive therapy for psychosis
- Mindfulness-based stress reduction in relation to quality of life, mood, symptoms of stress and levels of cortisol, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) and melatonin in breast and prostate cancer outpatients
- Self and Subjectivity: A Middle Way Approach.
- Teaching self-care to caregivers: Effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction on the mental health of therapists in training
- The Potential Benefits of Mindfulness Training in Early Childhood: A Developmental Social Cognitive Neuroscience Perspective
- The Moderator-Mediator Variable Distinction in Social Psychological Research: Conceptual, Strategic, and Statistical Considerations
- One Dharma: The emerging western Buddhism
- Business Ethics through Meditation: The Ethical ‘I,’ the Ethical ‘You,’ the Ethical ‘We’
- The Meaning of Mindfulness: A Second-Order Cybernetics of Stress, Metacognition, and Coping
- Effortful Control, Explicit Processing, and the Regulation of Human Evolved Predispositions
- The Dialectic Between Religious Belief and Contemplative Knowledge in Tibetan Buddhism
- The origins of yoga and tantra : Indic religions to the thirteenth century
- Beyond reason: using emotions as you negotiate
- Beyond the relaxation response : how to harness the healing power of your personal beliefs
- The making of Buddhist modernism
- Four Steps to a Fundamental Ethical Vision through Meditation
- Mindfulness and contemplative practice in art and religion
- Contemplative Practices in Action: Spirituality, Meditation, and Health
- Dispositional Mindfulness Moderates the Effects of Stress Among Adolescents: Rumination as a Mediator
- A journey of self‐discovery: an intervention involving massage, yoga and relaxation for children with emotional and behavioural difficulties attending primary schools
- Mindfulness in Hospice Care: Practicing Meditation-in-Action
- A pilot study of mindfulness-based stress reduction for hot flashes
- Mechanisms of mindfulness
- Awareness practices in an undergraduate Buddhism course
- Wisdom: from philosophy to neuroscience
- Defining Reflection: Another Look at John Dewey and Reflective Thinking
- Development of a scale to assess the meditation experience
- Mindfulness Training Modifies Cognitive, Affective, and Physiological Mechanisms Implicated in Alcohol Dependence: Results of a Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial.(Report)
- Effects of mindfulness on psychological health: A review of empirical studies
- Whatever Next? Predictive Brains, Situated Agents, and the Future of Cognitive Science.
- Contemplative Practices in higher Education
- Differential effects on pain intensity and unpleasantness of two meditation practices.
- Christian Zen /
- Cognitive-Affective Connections in Teaching and Learning: The Relationship Between Love and Knowledge
- The rhetoric of experience and the study of religion
- Cultivating Loving Kindness: A Two-Stage Model of the Effects of Meditation on Empathy, Compassion, and Altruism
- Ask not what Buddhism can do for cognitive science; Ask what cognitive science can do for Buddhism
- Weekly variation of acute myocardial infarction: increased Monday risk in the working population.
- Adapting Meditation to Promote Negotiation Success: A Guide to Varieties and Scientific Support
- An analysis of recent meditation research and suggestions for future directions
- A study of yoga and concentration
- Contemplative Education in Unexpected Places: Teaching Mindfulness in Arkansas and Austria
- Differential effects of mindful breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and loving-kindness meditation on decentering and negative reactions to repetitive thoughts
- Developing Mindfulness in College Students Through Movement-Based Courses: Effects on Self-Regulatory Self-Efficacy, Mood, Stress, and Sleep Quality
- Mindfulness-Based Interventions in Context: Past, Present, and Future
- Meditation in the classroom: what do the students say they learn?
- Confession of a Buddhist atheist
- Experimental and quasi-experimental designs for generalized causal inference
- Issues in samatha and vipasyana: A comparative study of Buddhist meditation
- Effortless Awareness: Using Real Time Neurofeedback to Investigate Correlates of Posterior Cingulate Cortex Activity in Meditators’ Self-report.