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Sources Related to Contexts of Contemplation Project
- Unequally masked: Indexing differences in the perceptual salience of "unseen" facial expressions
- Feelings and consumer decision making: The appraisal-tendency framework
- A phenomenology of meditation-induced light experiences: traditional Buddhist and neurobiological perspectives
- Illuminating the dark matter of social neuroscience: Considering the problem of social interaction from philosophical, psychological, and neuroscientific perspectives
- Science and Spirituality: Probing the Convergences and the Tensions.
- Power in mixed-sex stranger interactions
- Mutuality and the social regulation of neural threat responding
- Me against we: in-group transgression, collective shame, and in-group-directed hostility
- Self-awareness, self-regulation, and self-transcendence (S-ART): a framework for understanding the neurobiological mechanisms of mindfulness
- Affective Intensity and Emotional Responses
- Pedagogy for Buddhist-derived meditation in secular settings: An exercise in inculturation
- Business Ethics Through Philosophy: Meditation, Teadings, Case Work
- Reports of group differences in narcissism within the practice of Buddhist Satipatthana Vipassana meditation: Experiences of self-centeredness, grandiosity, the need for mirroring/admiration, and emptiness
- Morning and Monday: critical periods for the onset of acute myocardial infaction: The GISSI 2 Study Experience
- Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being
- Mindfully Teaching in the Classroom: a Literature Review
- Mindfulness meditation and substance use in an incarcerated population.
- Meditation and attention: A comparison of the effects of concentrative and mindfulness meditation on sustained attention
- Meditation and the neuroscience of consciousness: An introduction
- Religion and the hermeneutics of contemplation /
- Eastern influences on Western philosophy: a reader
- Mindfulness Research in Social Work: Conceptual and Methodological Recommendations
- Upward Spirals of Positive Emotions Counter Downward Spirals of Negativity: Insights from the Broaden-and-Build Theory and Affective Neuroscience on the Treatment of Emotion Dysfunctions and Deficits in Psychopathology.
- A qualitative study of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for depression
- Breathing spaces: qigong, psychiatry, and healing in China
- Buddhist philosophy and the treatment of addictive behavior
- Mindfulness and Social Work
- Triggering of Acute Myocardial Infarction Onset by Episodes of Anger
- An Investigation into the Compatibility of Existential-Humanistic Psychotherapy and Buddhist Meditation
- Embodied Perception and the Economy of Action
- Designing, Implementing, and Evaluating a Group Therapy for Underserved Populations
- Mindfulness: Theoretical Foundations and Evidence for its Salutary Effects
- Evolving Conceptions of Mindfulness in Clinical Settings
- A preliminary investigation of the effects of experimentally induced mindfulness on emotional responding to film clips.
- Healing spaces: the science of place and well-being
- Remarks concerning possible relationships between science and Buddhism on two levels: I. Fundamental principles, and II. Method
- The physical and psychological effects of meditation : a review of contemporary research with a comprehensive bibliography, 1931-1996
- Buddhism as/in performance: analysis of meditation and theatrical practice
- Discussion Forum Report from the Garrison Institute and the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL)
- Communicating the Innate: Observations on Teacher-Student Interaction in the Tibetan Mahāmudrā Instructions
- Metacognition and clinical psychology: A preliminary framework for research and practice.
- The Dao of neuroscience: combining Eastern and Western principles for optimal therapeutic change
- Heart rate dynamics in different levels of Zen meditation
- Promoting mindfulness in psychotherapists in training influences the treatment results of their patients: A randomized, double-blind, controlled study
- Zen, Emotion, and Social Engagement
- A randomized controlled trial of mindfulness meditation versus relaxation training: Effects on distress, positive states of mind, rumination, and distraction
- Application of integrated yoga therapy to increase imitation skills in children with autism spectrum disorder
- Protocol Analysis: Verbal Reports as Data.
- Mindfulness and Ethics: Attention, Virtue and Perfection
- Affective style, psychopathology, and resilience: Brain mechanisms and plasticity.
- Ethical know-how: action, wisdom, and cognition
- An initial evaluation of a mindful parenting program
- On becoming aware: a pragmatics of experiencing
- Neurocognitive Mechanisms Underlying the Experience of Flow.
- Contemplative/emotion training reduces negative emotional behavior and promotes prosocial responses
- Mindfulness-based stress reduction for chronic pain conditions: Variation in treatment outcomes and role of home meditation practice
- A pilot study on mindfulness based stress reduction for smokers
- The Psychological Effects of Meditation: A Meta-Analysis
- Effectiveness of a meditation-based stress reduction program in the treatment of anxiety disorders.
- Mindfulness and the therapeutic relationship