Explore Tibetan Buddhism
Sources Related to Tibetan Buddhism
Recent Additions (Displaying 1 - 60 of 60)
- To Lhasa and beyond : diary of the expedition to Tibet in the year MCMXLVIII
- Communicating the Innate: Observations on Teacher-Student Interaction in the Tibetan Mahāmudrā Instructions
- The teachings of padmasambhava
- Assorted Topics of the Great Completeness by Dodrupchen III
- Dgon gnas Stag brag Bsam gtan gliṅ gi phyag bźes mdo sṅags chos spyod: the collected ritual texts used in the Stag-luṅ-brag Bsam-gtan-gliṅ Monastery
- Yantra Yoga : The Tibetan Yoga of Movement : A Stainless Mirror of Jewels : A Commentary on the Vairocana's 'The Union of the Sun and Moon Yantra'
- The Role of the Bodhicittavivaraṇa in the
- The golden letters: the three statements of Garab Dorje, the first teacher of Dzogchen, together with a commentary by
- Tibetan Studies: In Honour of Hugh Richardson : Proceedings of the International Seminar on Tibetan Studies, Oxford 1979
- Kindly bent to ease us: from the trilogy of finding comfort and ease (Ngal-gso skor-gsum)
- What makes you not a Buddhist
- A Study of the Profound Path of GCod: The Mahāyāna Buddhist Meditation Tradition of Tibet's Great Woman Saint Machig Labdron
- Natural perfection: Longchenpa's radical Dzogchen
- Ecstatic spontaneity: Saraha's three cycles of dohā
- Compassion beyond fatigue: contemplative training for educators and other helping professionals
- The Elements, Insanity, and Lettered Subjectivity
- The Tibetan Practice of the Mantra Path According to Lce-sgom-pa
- Kun bzang bla ma'i zhal lung [Rdzogs pa chen po klong chen snying tig gi sngon 'gro'i khrid yig kun bzang bla ma'i zhal lung]
- King Kuñji's Banquet
- Tantric treasures: three collections of mystical verse from Buddhist India
- The treasury of knowledge: book eight, part four: esoteric instructions: a detailed presentation of the process of meditation in Vajrayāna
- The blue annals
- The Wisdom of Manjursri : Teachings by Early Dzogchen Masters on the Tantra, Professing the Qualities of Manjusri
- Wrathful Deities
- Awakening through love: unveiling your deepest goodness
- Himalayan dialogue: Tibetan lamas and Gurung shamans in Nepal
- The practice of Mahamudra: the teachings of His Holiness Chetsang Rinpoche
- Phyag chen sngon 'gro'i khrid yig nges sgron me
- Food, Clothes, Dreams, and Karmic Propensities
- Significance of Yoga Tantra and the Compendium of Principles (Tattvasagraha Tantra) within Tantric Buddhism in India and Tibet
- Dzog Chen Meditation
- Blending the Sūtras with the Tantras: The Influence of Maitrīpa and his Circle on the Formation of Sūtra Mahāmudrā in the Kagyu Schools
- Culture and Subculture: A Study of the Mahāmudrā Teachings of Sgam po pa.
- The Great Path of Awakening : The Classic Guide to Lojong, A Tibetan Buddhist Practice for Cultivating the Heart of Compassion
- Empowerment and the Path of Liberation
- Cloudless sky: the Mahamudra path of the Tibetan Kagyu Buddhist School
- Tsong-Kha-Pa's Final Exposition of Wisdom
- Longchenpa and the Possession of the Ḍākinīs
- Mahāmudrā: Natural Mind in Indian and Tibetan Buddhism
- The Gelug/Kagyü tradition of Mahamudra
- Enlightenment by a Single Means: Tibetan Controversies on the "Self-Sufficient White Remedy" (dkar po chig thub)
- Offering the body: The practice of gCod in Tibetan Buddhism
- The hundred thousand songs of Milarepa: the life-story and teaching of the greatest poet-saint ever to appear in the history of Buddhism
- Development of the Gcod Tradition
- Longchenpa's Advice from the Heart
- Two Bka’-’gyur Works in Mahāmudrā Canons
- dPal rDo-rje-'jigs-byed lha bcu gsum-ma'i bdag bskyed, Bum-pa, dBaṅ chog smon śis daṅ bcas-pa
- Drikung Kagyu Mahamudra Teachings
- Ma gchig Labs sGron, a Tibetan Saint
- Primordial Experience : An Introduction to rDzogs-chen Meditation
- Peaceful Death, Joyful Rebirth : A Tibetan Buddhist Guidebook
- Heart drops of dharmakaya: dzogchen practice of the Bon tradition
- Transmission Lineage of the Gcod Teachings According to the 2nd Dalai-Lama
- An ocean of the ultimate meaning: teachings on Mahamudra: a commentary on Wangchuk Dorje's Ngedön Gyamtso
- Eye of the storm: Vairotsana's five original transmissions
- Rgya chen bka' mdzod
- Mahāmudrā
- Mahamudra: The Method of Self Actualization
- On the Path to Enlightenment : Heart Advice form the Great Tibetan Masters
- Light of Wisdom, Vol. IV