Explore Journal of the Tibet Society
Sources Related to Journal of the Tibet Society
- Padma Dkar-po on Integration as Ground, Path and Goal
- A List of Abbots of Kaḣ-thog Monastery According to Handwritten Notes by the Late Katog Ontul
- Two Early Sources for the History of the House of Sde-dge
- Phonemic Theory and the Orthographic Practice in Old Tibetan
- Padma Dkar-po on Tantra as Ground, Path and Goal
- The Spiritual Heritage of Ma gcig Lab sgron
- The Development of the Biographical Tradition Concerning Atiśa (Dīpaṃkaraśrījñāna)
- Manchu Patronage and Tibetan Buddhism During the First Half of the Ch'ing Dynasty
- Armenians in India and Tibet
- Sa-skya Paṇḍita's Letter to the Tibetans: A Late and Dubious Addition to His Collected Works
- A 17th Century Stone Inscription from Ura Village
- 'Lama to the King of Hsia'
- The White and Red Rong-btsan of Matho Monastery (Ladakh)
- A Note on Dgos-'brel
- On the Origin and the Significance of the Prayer Wheel According to Two Nineteenth-Century Tibetan Literary Sources
- Der Ursprung der Sprache Von Zhang-Shung
- Does Tibetan Hermeneutics Throw Any Light on <i>Sandhābhāṣa</i>
- Tibetan Sciences at the Court of the Great Khans
- Inhaltsverzeichnisse der Gesammelten Werke Tibetisch Schreibender Autoren
- Notes on the Phur-bu
- Tibetan Expertise in Sanskrit Grammar – A Case Study: Grammatical Analysis of the Term <i>Pratītya–samutpāda</i>
- Eine Kurze Abhandlung des Pha-Boṅ-kha-pa (1878-1941) über Mumifizierung
- A Problem of 'Synonyms' in the Tibetan Language: <i>Bsgom Pa</i> and <i>Goms Pa</i>
- The Early Education of Milarepa
- Georg Morgenstierne and Tibetan Studies
- Jäschke: sa vie at son oeuvre
- The Tantra 'A Vessel of <i>Bdud Rtsi</i>,' a Bon Text
- Correspondence Relating to the Anglo-Tibetan War of 1888
- Index to Articles in the <i>K'ang-tsang Yen-chiu Yüeh-K'an</i> (a Contribution to the Bibliography of Tibet)
- The 1413 Ming Embassy to Tsong-kha-pa and the Arrival of Byams-chen Chos-rje Shākya Ye-shes at the Ming Court
- Addendum to the review by Dan Martin of Tsang Nyön Heruka, <i>The Life of Marpa the Translator</i>
- Rejoinder to Jeffrey Hopkins
- Reply to Alex Wayman's Review of <i>The Yoga of Tibet</i>
- Addendum to Alex Wayman's Article "A Problem of 'Synonyms' in the Tibetan Language: Bsgom Pa and Goms Pa" in Volume 7 of <i>The Jounal of the Tibet Society</i>
- Dgra-lha: a Re-examination
- Journal of the Tibet Society, Volume 6
- Journal of the Tibet Society, Volume 3
- Journal of the Tibet Society, Volume 2
- Journal of the Tibet Society, Volume 1
- Journal of the Tibet Society, Volume 7
- Journal of the Tibet Society, Volume 4
- Journal of the Tibet Society, Volume 8
- Tibet Society Bulletin
- Journal of the Tibet Society
- Tibet Society Newsletter
- Review of E. Bernbaum, <i>The Way to Shambhala</i>
- Reviews of C. Genoud and Takao Inoue, <i>Buddhist Wall-Painting of Ladakh</i>; P. Pal and Lionel Fournier, <i>A Buddhist Paradise: The Murals of Alchi Western Himalayas</i>; P. Pal, <i>The Art of Tibet. A Catalogue of the Los Angeles County Museum Art Col
- Review of F. Michael, <i>Rule by Incarnation: Tibetan Buddhism and its Role in Society and State</i>
- Review of M. Aris, <i>Views of Medieval Bhutan</i>
- Review of Stephanie Windisch-Graetz, <i>Himalayan Kingdoms</i>
- Review of Rohit Vohra, <i>The Religion of the Dards in Ladakh: Investigations into Their Pre-Buddhist 'Brog-pa Traditions</i>
- Review of John Bray, <i>A Bibliography of Ladakh</i>
- Review of A. David-Neel, <i>Magic and Mystery in Tibet</i>
- Review of A. Klien, <i>Knowledge and Liberation: Tibetan Epistemology in Support of Transformative Religious Experience</i>
- Review of Ngapo Ngawang Jigmei, et al., <i>Tibet</i>
- Review of P. Kværne, <i>Tibet: Bon Religion</i>
- Review of M. Nowak, <i>Tibetan Refugees</i>
- Review of Windisch-Graetz, Stephanie, <i>Himalayan Kingdoms</i>
- Review of D. Snellgrove and H. E. Richardson: <i>A Cultural History of Tibet</i>
- Review of A. Chand, <i>Tibet: Past and Present</i>