Explore Journals Focused on Regions
Sources Related to Journals Focused on Regions
- The Gurung Personality Structure
- Human Development and the Ethnic Population Sub-groups in the 75 Districts in Nepal
- Rājyābhishekako Aitihāsika Mahatva
- The Thakali Household and Inheritance System
- Cumulative Index to Kailash: 1973-1985 by Subject and Author
- A Note on the Historical and Cultural Significance of Vajrayogini of Sankhu
- The Geo-demographic Context of Population Ageing in Nepal
- Levels of Medicine in a Central Nepali Village
- Too Many Stars and Not Enough Sky: Language and Ethnicity among the Thakali of Nepal
- Forest Resources of Nepal: Destruction and Environmental Implications
- Copyright: An Overview
- Migratory Traders of Baragaon
- Reduplication in Bantawa
- Field Studies of Energy Expenditure – Logistics and Contributions
- Mallakarako Paribhāshā
- Markers of (in) Definiteness in Maithili
- Ethnobotanical Notes on Thangmi Plant Names and Their Medicinal and Ritual Uses
- The Kuswar of Chaithali (Central Nepal)
- Myths of Origin: The Janjati Movement, Local Traditions, Nationalism, and Identities in Nepal
- Economic Relationships between Occupational Castes and High Castes in Central Nepal
- The Humli-Khyampas of Far Western Nepal: A Study in Ethnogenesis
- Illness Interpretation and Modes of Treatment in Kirtipur
- Naming Anti-Developmental Attitudes
- Land Use Pattern and Ecology in the Madi Valley
- Labour Participation and Fertility of Rural Women in Nepal
- In Search of the Household: Some Observations from the Western Hills of Nepal
- Report on the University of California Expedition to Kutang and Nubri in Northern Nepal in Autumn 1973
- The Tea Shop as an Area of Ethnic Interaction In Nepal
- Democracy and Nationalism: Interface between State and Ethnicity in Nepal
- Cultural Repercussions of Childlessness and Low Fertility in Nepal
- Acoustic Analysis of the Maithili Diphthongs
- Newari Language and Linguistics: A Conspectus
- A Preliminary Study of the Private Sector of Nepal's Manufacturing Industry
- Gender and Caste in the Perfect Buddhist Gift, the Samyak Mahadana in Kathmandu, Nepal
- Nepali Art: Nepali Utopia
- Preliminary Research Report on Anthropological Explorations of the Eastern Himalayas: Arun Valley Trade
- A Sketch of the History of Lalitpur (Patan) with Special Reference to Buddhism
- Error Analysis: A Pragmatic Approach
- Nepal and South India
- How Jang Bahadur Established Rana Rule in Nepal
- A Study in Revenue Collection System in Nepal: 1846-1923
- Ḍoṭī Bāisī ho ki hoina?
- The Peoples of the Upper Ankhu Khola Valley
- Satyānī Rājā Raṇabhīm Śāhako Padacyuti
- Newar Buddhist Initiation Rites
- Breast Feeding in Nepal: Religious and Cultural Beliefs
- Nepālī Janajīvanamā Devī Sarasvatīko Sthān: Eka Adhyayan
- Khaś Rājya, Jumlā, Bajhāṅg ra Kumāũkā Kehī Abhilekh
- Paścim Nepālkā Kehī Aprakāśit Abhilekh
- Traditional Political Systems in Mustang, Nepal
- Abstracts [of articles in the special issue of <i>Contributions to Nepalese Studies</i> "The Global Fertility Transition and Nepal"]
- Jā̃gko: A Newar Family Ceremony
- Phombos: A Look at Traditional Healers among the Jirels of Eastern Nepal
- Cerebral Palsy in Nepal – A Cultural Exploration of Cosmology and Disability
- Siberian Shamanistic Traditions Among The Kham-Magars of Nepal
- How Should One Study Ethnicity and Nationalism?
- Patterns of Urban and Rural Growth of Population of Nepal
- Webs of Dependence in Rural Nepal: Debt, Poverty and Depopulation in the Far Northwest
- Visible and Invisible Aspects of the Devi Dances in Sankhu, Nepal
- Varshakṛtti: Eka Aprakāśit Ṭyāsaphū